Raid Start

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School continued despite the huge mission that he, Shota, and some of his students would be part of taking in. Sans worried for those kids, but he had to admit, this was a pretty good time to see how far Izuku had come in his soul training. He and his classmates were impatient, though, and Sans couldn't blame them one bit. According to the heros, they were experimenting on a little girl, using her blood to make the quirk canceling drug. Sans couldn't begin to imagine what that was like. Sure, his dad had used determination on him, but that procedure had been a risky move to save him from the brink, not experimentation. And it was Izuku and that third year, Mirio, who had first seen her. Sans hummed and approached Izuku, seeing as they both had some free time. "hey kid, how're you holding up?" Izuku looked up at Sans, looking a little startled. He must've pulled Izuku out of his own head. "Honestly? I just really want to save Eri... you didn't see her, Sans Sensei, the way she'd looked up at me..." Frisk flashed through Sans mind, there and then gone. "then i'll need to know what i'm looking for."


Mirio roused from his own thoughts at that. The third year student looked up at the living skeleton as Sans looked down at Izuku with determined eyelights. For a moment, Izuku looked confused, but then something sparked him his eyes. "Her name was Eri, attack two, defense five, and hp twenty. Her soul was red, little cracks all over. Kinda dull, too..." Mirio blinked in confusion as Sans raised his hand to rub his chin. "that happens to a soul when they go against their soul trait. i'm not surprised that her soul has taken some damage, either. and the man who took her back?" A fierce look crossed Izuku's face, and Sans had to admire that determination to protect. "His real name was Chisaki Kai, his attack is one hundred and eighty, his defense is twenty, and his hp is two hundred forty. He has the lv and exp to match. What I don't get is his soul. It's yellow, which means his soul trait is justice, right?" Sans nodded. "everyone has their own sense of justice, izuku. some more twisted than others. that's what makes our foe dangerous. he thinks what he's doing is for the good of everyone, no matter who gets hurt... or killed."


Two nights later and Sans and company were back at Sir Nighteye's. It seemed they had located the child and were ready to do a rescue ops. Undyne and Papyrus could hardly sit still, the former ready to kick ass while the latter was ready to put away bad guys and save lives. It turned out that Nighteye could see into the future and tracked Eri down with the ability. It was an impressive quirk, to be sure, but Sans was more curious as to what was next. "We have a warrant to raid inside while everyone is home. You monsters will be at the head of the line. As far as I can tell, the weapons should have no effect on you." Sir Nighteye explained, to which the three immediately nodded. Shota, Sans noticed, looked a little worried, and was quick to give him a smile. Shota knew Sans had been nervous about the bullets, but he couldn't let Shota worry about his fears now. Not in front of everyone, anyway. "You can count on us!" Undyne boomed enthusiastically. Sans broke eye contact to nod along.


Sans didn't sleep last night, nor did Shota. There had been too much to prepare for in the event that things went south. Still, despite the lack of sleep, Sans had never felt more energized and determined. It was the same feeling he used to get fighting the kid. He could practically feel the human determination implanted into him coursing through his magic. It was scary. It was thrilling. Still, despite what was happening on the inside, he kept up a collected expression, staring unwaveringly at the building in front of them. He could hear the other heroes muttering around him and asking Undyne and Papyrus questions. They had only just learned what monsters were a few days ago, after all. Shota stuck close to Sans, humming softly. "That's the same look you had at USJ, you know. Though I think it's stronger this time." He commented quietly, as if it were a secret between the two of them. "i hadn't tapped into my determination like i'm doing now..." Sans replied back, just as quiet. The teacher blinked and did a double take. "Really?" Sans nodded and grinned. "yeah, really. stay safe inside, k?"
"Same to you, Sans." Shota replied immediately.


The police approached the house with every intent on reading the warrant to the people inside. Sans readied his magic, his eyelights disappearing as it was replaced with his focus, which swirled cyan and yellow with hot magic. One of the Yakuza burst out with his quirk active, something that was quickly put to a stop by some dragon hero or another that Sans couldn't remember the name of. He'd get it later when he wasn't running headlong into danger. Papyrus and Undyne flanked him as they took the charge forward, all of the heros that were in this raid mission right behind them. Magic sparked in Sans hand as he used blue magic to push Yakuza members into walls for someone else to deal with. His one and only job here was to protect the heroes from the bullets. If he could, he was gonna get a sample to reverse engineer into a cure for those who were already affected by these things. Nighteye used his quirk to get them to where they needed to be, a labyrinth that was underground... that didn't stop the monsters, though. They had a kid to save.

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