Chapter 13

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Eddie, Demi and my mom were screaming at each other. I looked around and saw the broken pieces of the cup on the floor. I looked at Eddie and Demi and I ran over to pick up a piece. I put it in my pocket.

I glanced at Demi and she had seen. I then ran up to my bathroom and locked the door. Less than a minute later, I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I had pulled up my sleeve and took the blade from my pocket.

The blade just touched my skin and I heard knocking on the door. I moved the furthest from the door. Demi said "Please open the door". I said "No, please leave me".

Demi was pleading with me "Drop the blade, you are worth so much more than harming yourself". I tried drowning her out. Why did she have to care so much ?. "You could never be as strong as her" started racing through my mind.

"This is my only way of dealing with things", I told her. She said "Trust me baby girl, it isn't". Yet I still wouldn't unlock the door. Demi said "Sarah move away from the door because if you are not going to open it then I will have to".

I didn't think anything of it but then there was a loud bang and I saw Demi standing in the doorway. She approached me and said "Hand me the blade". There was no way I was giving it to her. Demi said it again but in a more ascertative tone.

I dropped it. Demi took it and said "Downstairs NOW !! " . I sulked and walked downstairs. "Why wouldn't she leave me take it out on myself".

This was my only way of dealing with my feelings. Demi took my unharmed hand and lead me into the kitchen. She opened the bin and turned to me. She said "Do you see this blade, do you know where it belongs ?".

"Yes I do !! It should be in my hand". I screamed at her. She replied "Yes, it does belong in your hand and do you want to know why ?". "Why ?", I said a little more calmer. Because I am going to watch you throw that blade in the bin.

I looked at her and said "Um, no I am not". She said "Yes you are". Ugh, she wasn't going to give in so I took it from her, threw it in the bin and slammed the bin shut. I thought "I have some more in my suitcase".

Demi said "I am proud of you". I thought "What ?". I said "I have just treated you with attitude and disrespect and you said you are proud of me". Demi looked at me and said "No baby doll, you are angry and hurt and I can see that".

She approached me and gave me a hug. Then she meant business again "Let's go back to the hotel". Eddie saw the cut on my arm. He turned to face my mom and said "You leave me and my family alone".

My mom said "What are you going to do if I don't ?". Eddie approached her and said "Did you see that beautiful girl's arm?". "She did that to herself and all that matters is making sure she gets better and for that to happen, you can't be a part of her life" he said. I took one last glance at my mom and she said "I love you" and I said "Don't, I have heard enough of your lies".

I left and Demi and Eddie followed.

P.S Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me <3 If there is anything I can do for you guys, please leave me know :)

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