Chapter 32

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We walked back to my room and just sat there for a while. Demi knew that I would talk so she decided to leave me talk whenever I was ready. After another few minutes, I looked at her and told everything I said to Dr. Karl. As I described about the eggs being thrown at my windows, I started crying again. Demi came over to me, gave me a hug and wiped away my tears.

She said "Don't cry beautiful, you are so brave for opening up". I looked at her with my tear stained face and gave her another hug. I said "It is so scary being vulnerable" and she said "Trust me, I know but I promise these experiences will make you a better and stronger person". I looked at her and I think it was then and there that I realised my absolute trust was in her.

I said "Dem, thank you" and she said "For what". I said "For being there for me, for listening to me and for giving out to me when I need it". She smiled and said "No problem baby girl". I smiled and said "Dem, can I ask for a favour please ?".

She said "Sure, whats up sweetie". I said "Do you know how they make you write positive things down and bring them home, could I have a look at your ones please ?". She seemed surprised but said "Of course, you know I will do anything to help you". I said "You don't need to" and she said "I know but I want to because I think they will make you determined to get better".

 I said "Thank you". Then I said "That is enough about me, how are you?". She said "I am great, a little bit tired from working on the new album". I said "Yay, new music, but don't overwork yourself".

She smiled and said "Look at you, giving advice", I said "I know and I am starting to learn how to take advice on board as well". Demi got up to leave but before she left, she gave me another hug and said "You are making amazing progress and I am so proud of you". When Demi left, I sat on my bed and thought about everything that had happened and I felt a little bit more relieved after talking to Dr. Karl and Demi.

P.S Thank you so much to everyone who is reading this :) it means a lot :)

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