Chapter 33

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Alison came in and asked me "how was my day ? ". I said "it was really good,thank you" and I explained everything to her. After I was finished explaining, she said "it is getting late, you should get some rest". I said "Ok" and I went to the bathroom to change into my purple pyjamas which had monkeys on them".

I realised that this was the pyjamas that I wore when I was playing Monopoly with Demi and I started to cry. I really missed having Demi around. I unlocked the door and walked back into my room with tears still streaming down my face. Alison was about to leave but when she saw the tears, she was concerned.

I was wearing a short sleeve T-shirt so she looked down at my wrists but my bandage was still untouched. She looked a little bit more relieved but still worried. She said "what is wrong ?". I  said "It might sound cringey but I really miss being with Demi and the family, just doing goofy stuff like playing Monopoly".

Alison said "You have nothing to be ashamed of, it is natural to be homesick". I thought that it was ironic that I was homesick for a place that wasnt even my home. Thinking of my actual home made me shudder as I thought about my so called "parents". Alison saw me shiver and she said "Sweetie, you are cold, come on, into bed you go".

I went into bed and I looked at her for some guidance. Funny actually I was looking for guidance because is that not what Demi told Dianna I needed the night we were watching Ancient Aliens. I snapped out of my train out of thought as Alison said "You know you made amazing progress today, right ?". I said "I guess" but I didnt sound convinced. What she said next changed my mind a little bit.

She said "Do you know as Demi left, she said that she was incredibly proud of you and that she was so happy to see you smile ?". Knowing that Demi was happy made me smile. Alison said "You should smile more often, it really suits you and you deserve it". I said "Thank you" and Alison gave me a hug and got up to leave.

As she was standing in the doorway, she said "I am proud of you for fighting and wanting to take control of your life".

P.S Sorry, I haven't updated in ages. I had rehersals for my play in drama. I promise I will update more often. Thank you for reading this :) It means a lot :)

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