Chapter 20

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That night, Shi Zhen learned from Qian Qilai, who always visited him, that Yan Jiangtao had been splashed with mud.

Qian Qilai sat on a small stool made of wood that Guan Baiyu's grandmother had picked up, and gloated: "Yan Jiangtao's family is rich, and he always complains about others being poor. He shows off this and that all day long, and looks down on others... He has offended many people in school, and I don't know who did it this time!"

"No one saw it?" Shi Zhen was a little surprised.

"No one saw it, or maybe everyone saw it, but no one said anything," Qian Qilai said excitedly. He moved the stool, and it made a "creaking" sound, as if it was about to fall apart. "There are many people in the school who don't like him."

Shi Zhen skillfully handled the pig head in his hand and tried to save the stool: "Don't sit on it. Do squats when you have time. You can exercise your thigh muscles."

Qian Qilai let go of the stool and started squatting. After a while, he saw Guan Baiyu went out, so he whispered to Shi Zhen: "By the way, Master, I heard that Yan Jiangtao's father gave a gift to the teacher and asked the teacher to arrange a good deskmate for Yan Jiangtao, so the teacher let him sit with Guan Baiyu. As a result, he disliked Guan Baiyu all day long, often bullied Guan Baiyu, stepped on Guan Baiyu's desk and stool, and said bad things about Guan Baiyu in school."

Shi Zhen's face was a little cold.

If it weren't for Guan Baiyu's good grades, most people would look up to him for his grades. Yan Jiangtao's behavior would probably cause the whole class to isolate Guan Baiyu.

This kind of naughty child lacks the beating from society.

On Tuesday, Yan Jiangtao came to school with a face full of resentment, looking like he didn't like anyone.

He really didn't like anyone, he hated studying, but his father said that if he didn't come to school, he wouldn't give him pocket money!

He had no choice but to come to school.

I don't know if people in school today are talking about him and looking down on him...

When Yan Jiangtao arrived near the school, he felt that everyone around him was looking at him with strange eyes, making him want to punch them.

However, although he didn't beat anyone, he also said to several people who passed by him: "What are you looking at? Idiot!"

Some of these people who were scolded by him didn't know him at all, and they didn't know that Yan Jiangtao was scolding them when they were scolded.

However, when Yan Jiangtao entered the school gate, one of the people he scolded was unhappy: "You are the idiot, you must have been soaked in feces!"

Yan Jiangtao was furious: "You son of a bitch, you are the one who was soaked in feces, you eat shit every day at home, right? Did your mother give birth to you in a toilet?"

Yan Jiangtao grew up in the village and was very good at scolding people. He scolded for a long time and said, "A bunch of country people, poor bastards..."

The man who was scolded by Yan Jiangtao for a long time listened to it, his face turned black, and he snatched a bucket from the hand of the person standing next to him and poured it on Yan Jiangtao's head.

Their boss asked them to get some dirty water to splash Yan Jiangtao, and then say a few words about Yan Jiangtao being dirty and smelly in school.

They agreed, but because they had no grudge against Yan Jiangtao, they didn't plan to splash it on Yan Jiangtao's face before, thinking that splashing it on people was enough.

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