Chapter 17

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Shi Zhen was very enthusiastic to the villagers. He told them that he was stewing a pig's head and was going to sell it in the town tomorrow. He also said that it would take a long time to stew the pig's head and it would probably be ready tomorrow morning.

"If you want to buy it, you can come early tomorrow and I'll sell it to you at a lower price." Shi Zhen said. The villagers got up early and he didn't plan to go to the town too early tomorrow morning. He could just sell some in the village before leaving.

It was really tiring to carry the pig's head to the town.

Their village was close to the town, and because of this, the village was relatively wealthy.

But even so, people didn't go to the town very often.

The distance that people thought was very short a dozen years later was very long for people at that time. For example, Changxi City, which was only more than half an hour's drive from Anshan Town, had never been to the elderly in their village. Those young people went there because it was popular to go to the city to buy a new set of clothes when getting married.

Therefore, villagers seldom buy meat, and even less often eat cooked food. But now, when they smell such a delicious aroma, they all say they will come to buy some tomorrow morning.

After dinner, everyone was free. Many people came to Guan Baiyu's place one after another. Guan Baiyu's house couldn't accommodate them, so everyone stayed at the door and chatted.

They talked about the fragrant pig head in the pot, and also talked about Shi Zhen, Guan Baiyu's cousin, and asked Shi Zhen about Guan Baiyu's grandfather's family.

Shi Zhen came to this village not long ago, and the villagers all knew him. When someone came to kill a pig last time, everyone talked to Shi Zhen, and now they know more about Shi Zhen.

"You are a good person. I don't know what Xiaoyu's grandfather is thinking. He doesn't even want his grandson."

"After you came, Xiaoyu's life has been much better."

"Xiaoyu suffered before, but it will be better in the future."


Shi Zhen is Guan Baiyu's cousin, and he will not let Guan Baiyu move his household registration and change his surname. To the villagers, he is good to Guan Baiyu, which is actually subsidizing the old Guan family and helping the old Guan family raise children, so that some people think Shi Zhen is a bit stupid.

Of course, no one said it to their faces.

At about eight o'clock, these people dispersed. Shi Zhen waited for them to leave, dealt with the pig head, and then went back to sleep with Shi Xinghuo.

When Shi Zhen woke up the next day, he felt sore all over again - his muscles were probably strained again.

It was just after five o'clock when Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo went to Guan Baiyu for breakfast.

It took a lot of time to cook porridge, and they would be hungry soon after eating. Shi Zhen simply cooked a big pot of rice, enough for the three of them to eat for a day, and mixed two lettuces.

Before they ate, someone came to buy pig head meat.

They were all villagers, so Shi Zhen lowered the price a little and sold it to them at 1.5 yuan per catty. He also said that starting tomorrow, he would sell pig head meat at home every morning and evening. If you want to buy it, you can come and buy it. It's cheaper than in town.

J City has a high population density and many rural people. When new food appears occasionally, everyone wants to buy some to try. As a result, this pig head was sold out before Shi Zhen could move it to the town.

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