44 - Jesus!

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'This is a very nice place,' I comment appreciatively while Ravi and I walk over to our table.

'You've never been here before?' he asks, almost jumping in front of me to draw back my chair before I can do it myself.

I hide a laugh at his eagerness to be a gentleman and smile at him while I take my seat.

'No, I haven't. But I've been hearing great things about it.'

'Well, I hope we'll be able to live up to the buzz,' our waiter says, handing us the menus. 'My name is Sarah and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started on any drinks?'

'I'll have a Pinot Grigio,' I tell her.

'And a Sprite for me, please.'


Both Ravi and Sarah take a confused look at me when I yell out. And the people on the next table too. Shit, I didn't realize I was so loud.

'You've... got something against Sprite?' Ravi asks, sounding puzzled.

'No,' I mutter. 'I mean, yes. Soda, on a first date? You're going to make me drink wine alone?'

I give him my best smile, trying to turn my outburst into some sort of joke. Ravi's eyes flit shortly from me to our waiter as if to confirm that I'm being weird. Trying to stay professional, she only huffs out an awkward laugh. Fortunately, it causes Ravi to do the same.

'I prefer to stay sober when I have to work the next day.'

'That makes sense,' I say quickly.

'He's a doctor,' I tell Sarah.

'Oh,' she replies, plastering on another smile but clearly wishing she'd gotten another table.

'I was only joking,' I say to Ravi, trying hard to remain what's supposed to be a comforting smile. 'Sprite's fine. Sprite's great! I love Sprite.'

'Would you... like a Sprite?' Sarah asks me unsurely.

'No,' I tell her quickly. 'I'll stick with the wine.'

And I'm going to need it. Because it wasn't Ravi's drink order that caused me to yell out. It was the man sitting a couple tables away that was looking right at me when my eyes drifted his way.


Why. Why? Why! Is he here? I haven't seen him in months. Which surprised me, to be honest, because the town isn't that big, but he has to show up now? While I'm on a date with a man that actually seems decent?

Between the time that Ravi asked me out and leaving for the restaurant, my doubts about accepting his invitationmanaged to disappear. I wasn't sure if it would be smart to break my no-guys rule, but then I started dressing up and getting ready while blasting some good music and by the time I left, I was actually feeling excited.

But now Dan has to be here to fucking ruin it? I can't believe this.

'I'll be right along with your drinks,' Sarah informs us before she gets the hell away from our table. I follow her with my eyes to see her walk past Dan and see him looking at me again. He looks flustered too, about seeing me. But when he catches my eye, this time he puts on a smile and waves at me. Waves at me. What the hell is wrong with him? I pick up my menu and hold it resolutely in front of my face to block him from view.

'Um, are you alright?' Ravi asks me. Shit, I'd almost forgotten he was here.

I lower the menu again, making sure to keep my eyes focused solely on Ravi. I will not let them drift off to his left.

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