3 - New beginnings

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She's here. I just heard the door slam shut and I can hear the muffled sound of her voice and Dan's coming from downstairs now.

After a long shower, fresh clothes and some down time on my bed, I was finally feeling a little better, but at the prospect of facing my mother, my body immediately turns alert. I have to say, I'm glad she's leaving tomorrow. I'll only have to keep up the lies for one day and then I won't have to worry about it for another two weeks until she returns from her trip.

Dan said we're having dinner in half an hour, but I should probably go and greet her now, right? I haven't seen her in months. Could have done with a few more, though.

By the time I've dragged myself off my bed and made my way downstairs, she's in the kitchen, leaning against the counter while Dan is chopping vegetables. She seems relaxed, talking to him, but when she spots me in the doorway, her face turns a little tense. It only lasts a moment. She puts on a smile when she greets me.

'Hi, honey. You made it.'

'Hi mom.'

I put on a smile too when I walk over to hug her. It's short, and awkward, and neither of us wants it, but I guess it's something you do.

'Got everything done?' I ask her.

'Yes', she sighs, turning around to grab herself a glass and a bottle of red wine. 'If you want to be successful, sometimes you have to give up your free time. It's not always fun, but it's worth it in the end.'

I wonder if that's a jab at me for not doing the program. It probably is, but I decide to let it slide.

'Well, glad you got it done', I say, moving back to the other side of the kitchen island. 'You got the night to yourself?'

'Yes, thank God, everything's ready. So I'm free to spend some quality time with Dan before I leave tomorrow.'

She pouts when he looks up from his chopping board to meet her eye and he smiles at her. I don't smile along. After months off not seeing each other and knowing it's going to be another two weeks, she doesn't even think about spending the evening with me. Not that I was going to, I already texted Melanie to meet up tonight.

Mom looks back from Dan to me and suddenly gives me a rather stern look. I wonder what I've done wrong now.

'Aren't you going to say hello to Dan, honey?'

'I already did', I say defensively. 'Obviously. He was here when I got here. In fact, he said he could have giving me a ride home if he'd known when I was coming.'

Despite my intentions to keep things civil, the accusation is clear in my voice. She knows I get motion sickness in busses, but she didn't put in the least amount of effort to help me out of taking it.

'Well, you didn't exactly give me much time to consider the options', she says defensively. Once again making it clear that she's anything but happy about my sudden arrival. 'But you got here, didn't you?'

'Yes', I say, trying to reign in my annoyance. 'Yes, I did.'

'Well, then what's the problem?'

Then she turns her back to me and puts a hand on Dan's shoulder.

'I'm just gonna change into something a little more comfortable', she tells me. 'I'll be right back.'

'Okay, darling, dinner will be ready in 20.'

They share a short kiss before she grabs her wine glass and walks past me to make her way upstairs. Well, so much for the heartfelt welcome home.

I follow her with my eyes a moment and when I turn back around I find Dan looking at me. I quickly put on a smile to hide any other emotions that might have been showing.

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