20 - Jack

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Fortunately, even though I spent the evening very close to him at the movies, there were no inappropriate dreams last night. So I could look him in the eye just fine again when he came home from work today. And when I asked him to come to the mall with me.

I want to buy Mel a gift to celebrate our 10 years of friendship. And the one thing she loves most, is books. But I don't know much about them, so I asked Dan to come to give some expert advise. Of course, he was immediately excited and insisted we leave right away so we'd have enough time.

So we ate some take away at the mall and then headed straight for the bookshop. It's bigger than the one Mel works at, but not nearly as cosy. But obviously, we couldn't go there since Mel would see and it's closed in the evenings anyway.

I thought Dan was being ridiculous when he said we had to leave early, but the longer we are in the bookstore, the more sense it starts to make. I thought we'd head to fantasy and choose something that looks good but it isn't nearly as simple as that.

'How 'bout this one?' I say, picking up a book that they've put on display.

Dan takes a look at the author and scoffs full of disdain.

'If you want to insult her. Authors like that are only famous because they're big on social media. They're ruining the industry.'

'Okay,' I say, putting the book back down. 'Strong feelings.'

'Oh, we have to get this one,' he says, pulling a book from the racks. 'For you. You'll love it.'

Another reason why it's taking so long is that Dan keeps taking out books that he thinks I should read. Or that he really wants to read. He's already carrying 5 books under his arm, yet refuses to grab a basket.

'Dan, I have 12 dollars in my account,' I tell him again. 'I can literally buy Mel one book, that's it.'

'I'll get you this one', he says, propping it up under his arm with the others. With some effort. 'Your life isn't complete until you've read this.'

I snort and make a mental reminder never to go to a bookstore with a book lover again.

'Don't you have it in your collection?'

'No. I borrowed it from a friend once. Another reason we have to get it.'

A good hour later, we walk out the store with a total of 8 books. Dan took the 5 books he absolutely needed, he wound up buying 2 for me and then there's the gift for Mel. Dan narrowed it down to two books in the end, but needed at least 15 minutes to contemplate which one she'd like best. I almost lost my mind.

But at least I'll be able to confidently give her the gift. I already asked her to meet up tomorrow and have dinner together. I'll give it to her then.

'I could use a drink after that,' I say as we walk through the mall. 'I didn't realize that would be like taking a kid to a candy store.'

'A kid with adult money,' Dan grins. 'That's the most dangerous thing.'


My laugh freezes on my lips when I hear my name being called. I haven't heard that voice in years, but I recognize it immediately. It can't be him though, can it?

Dan looks at me curiously as I turn around to see. It's definitely him. He looks much older than the last time I saw him, but there's no mistaking. His black here has turned partially grey. His blue eyes are as piercing as always. He's gained a little weight, but he's still in good shape for a man in his early fifties. That smile on his face is as deceivingly friendly as it always was.

'I thought that was you,' he says jovially, coming up to us. 'Wow, look at you. All grown up.'

I don't say anything. What is he thinking just walking up to me like that? Like nothing ever happened. Like everything wasn't ruined after he came into our lives. I feel a little sick. I don't know what to do.

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