I head for the bar with Dan on my heels and take a quick look at the menu to see what's the most expensive while Dan tries to grab the barman's attention.
If he wants to make amends so bad, he can have it.
'Hi,' Dan says. 'We'll have a beer and...'
'A tray of shots. We'll take 18. You can mix them up a little, surprise me. And a bucket of champagne on ice, please.'
Dan turns his head to me so fast, I wouldn't be surprised if his neck snapped. I just give him an angelic smile.
'Okay,' the barman says, giving us both a questionable look. 'That'll be 98 dollars.'
'Jesus,' Dan mumbles, shaking his head. He gives me an exasperated look and runs his hand through his hair while he turns to the barman.
'Fuck it. Put it on my card, please.'
I laugh, surprised that he actually went along with it.
'My friends will be grateful.'
'I guess I'm happy to know you won't be drinking it all on your own,' he grumbles while he watches the barman arrange the shot glasses with a pained expression.
I laugh again. This is stupid. I shouldn't be here, laughing with him. I'm angry at him. First he leaves, and now he keeps showing up to ruin everything.
Except the night doesn't feel ruined. I steel a glance at Dan who's still frowning at the many shot glasses getting filled up. When I ran into him the other night, all I could feel was anger. Even though it's been months, the pain of him leaving still feels so fresh. I should be indifferent to him by now. More time has passed since he left than we even spent together.
But I'm not indifferent. I'm feeling all sorts of things looking at him now. Definitely not just anger.
'Here you go,' the barman says, putting the tray on top of the bar. I clap in excitement, then carefully pick up the tray, making sure not to topple anything over. I'm just taking a proud look at the tray I'm holding very stably in my hands when the barman places the bucket of champagne on the bar as well.
I can hear Dan snort at the bemused expression on my face and see him leaning against the bar, watching me expectantly to see how I'm going to solve this problem.
'Just walk with me, asshole,' I say to him.
Dan gets up from the bar and reaches for one of the shots. So I quickly pull the tray away, making the liquid slosh dangerously close to the edges of the glasses.
'These are for my friends.'
'I was going to offer to take the tray,' Dan says, offended. 'I think the bucket might be your saver option.'
'Oh,' I say, slowly turning back to him. 'Yeah, okay, fine.'
Then, before I can do anything about it, Dan reaches out again and snatches one of the shots from the tray. He throws it back before I can even protest and grins when he smacks the empty glass down onto the bar.
'And anyway, I payed for those,' he says smuggly. 'Now hand me that tray.'
With a slight pout, I let him take the tray and take the bottle into my hands. Then I make him follow me back to my friends.
'Oh, it's an entire flock of swans,' Dan comments dryly when he spots my friends on the dance floor.
'Angels,' he amends when I glare at him.
'Champagne?' Zoe squeals when she sees me approach.
'And shots!'
'Who's this guy?' Liv asks, releasing herself from her boyfriend for one moment to give Dan a curious once-over.

Daddy Issues
Roman d'amourWhen Emma moves back home after dropping out of med school, she is not excited to share a house with her mother again. They do not get along, and she doesn't expect that to change any time soon. But then Emma finds out, she won't be spending the fi...