27 - A good time

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'You're sure they're not mad at me?'

'For the millionth time, no. No-one's mad at you.'

'But what if they're just saying that to you, but really they are mad at me.'

Dan sighs. We took the bus into town and now we're walking towards Inferno. I was excited to go out, but on the way here I started to get more and more nervous about seeing the people in Dan's band again. So now I'm driving him crazy by asking him over and over if they're not mad at me for being the reason they lost their drummer.

'If they won't tell me they're mad at you, then they won't tell you either. So you'll never know. Now, that's the last time I'm telling you. They're happy you're joining us, Yuki was hoping to talk to you.'

'But isn't she-'


'But, Dan, I'm just-'

'Shut up, Emma,' he says, exasperated.

'Don't tell me to shut up,' I say, affronted.

'I won't if you stop being annoying.'

'Fine, I won't ask again.'


We walk in silence for a couple of minutes. But then another question bursts from my lips again.

'Is the dress really not too much?'

'Oh my God,' he sighs. 'Are you always this stressed out when you go out?'

'No, but I don't usually go out with my mom's boyfriend and his friends,' I say, taking on a defensive tone. 'And I'm also usually drunk by the time I get to the club.'

'I'll buy you a drink as soon as we're inside, okay?'

We agreed since we're already breaking the rules anyway, I might as well have some drinks too. But I was actually the one to say that I didn't want to have too much and asked him to cut me off on time. I don't want to wake up with a headache again and I definitely don't want to throw up again. Or get myself into shitty situations.

We round the corner and there I spot Yuki, Jamal, Pete, Avery and Carlos waiting for us in front of the club. My heart rate speeds up and I take a breath to steady myself. Despite Dan's reassurances, I'm still nervous to face them.

But then he puts a hand on my shoulder and leans into me a little.

'You look great, they're not mad at you and tonight's going to be awesome, okay? You don't have to be nervous.'

'I'm not nervous,' I lie.

'Okay,' he chuckles. Then he squeezes my shoulder before he lets go.

'Hey guys!' he calls out. The group looks up to spot him and welcoming smiles appear on their faces.

When I look at Yuki, I realize I didn't have to be worried about being overdressed. She's got me topped for sure. Dressed in all black, she wears a short, leather skirt and high platform boots to match. Above it, she wears a simple, low-cut top and there's a choker around her neck. All that combined with some heavy make-up, she looks amazing.

And she's the first to approach us. Despite Dan's many reassurances, I still brace myself. She locks eyes with me and walks straight up to me, full of deliberation. And then...

She hugs me.

'Honey,' she says, pulling me down, since she's way shorter. 'I am so sorry. I never should have let that son of a bitch take you into his car. Are you alright?'

'Oh, yes. Yes, I'm alright.' I stumble over my words a little, surprised by the unexpected greeting. Maybe Dan was right. It seems like she's the opposite of mad at me.

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