Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and reached over to pull, Camila closer to me. I furrowed my brows when I didn't feel anything around me.

"Camz?" I called out before I sat up. The space beside me was empty. I looked around the slightly dark room and grabbed my phone to check the time. Instead of seeing the time I saw a text that, Camila sent to me at 1a.m.

  I scoffed when I read it. Of course she slept over. That bitch has been leaving me all alone for the past two months. I mean it's not like I waited for her yesterday because I wanted to show her the engravings for our necklaces. Hopefully that bitch makes up for it today.

  I sighed and decided to take a shower since my alarm was going to ring soon. After I showered I got changed into one of my cutest outfits. I was hoping to 'wow' her since it's a special day. I took the time to straighten my hair and fix my makeup before I went downstairs.

  I guess it was a good thing that, Camila stayed over. I shot, Becky a quick text to pick me up since, Camila took our car yesterday. About fifteen minutes later she was in front of my house.

"Are you nervous?" She asked when I got in.

"Yeah. I hope she likes the gift." I bit my lip as I shoved the wrapped box into my bag.

"She'll love it. And she'll love it even more because you spent so much time on it."

"I hope so." I mumbled. Just as we reached the school I made my way to the front, waiting for, Camila to arrive.

"Don't worry, Laur. Today is going to be great." Becky reassured me. I nodded my head and started talking to her about random things, Olivia soon joining us.

"She's here." Olivia nodded her head behind me. I turned around and saw Camila walking towards me with Ally and Amy. I furrowed my brows when I noticed that she was wearing a hoodie and some jeans. I was expecting her to dress nicer for today, but who cares? As long as she's here.


"Hi Camz!" I gave her a kiss. "I missed you yesterday." I pouted.

"Sorry about that babe." She smiled as she entwined our fingers. "I have to go right now so i'll see you in class. I love you." She let me go before walking away, only to turn around after a few steps. "By the way, you look cute." She gave me a wink.

"Cute? I look cute? That's all she has to say to me?" I said once she left.

"She didn't even dress nice or mention today." Olivia said as she shook her head.

"I can't believe her." I said as I stared down at the floor.

"Woah! You look hot, Laur." I heard, Dinah.

"You don't think I look cute?" I said with a small voice.

"Nah girl. Cute is nothing to how you look right now." Normani said as she gave me a smile

"Thanks." I said with a smile. We stayed talking for a while, but eventually parted ways to get to class. I was extremely disappointed with, Camila so I stayed quiet around her. Only giving her short answers or nodding my head, at least until we reached ceramics class.

"That's it! What's wrong, Lo?! You've been ignoring me all day and I don't like it!" Camila shouted as she threw a piece of clay on the table.

"Keep your voices down." Mr. Wilkerson said, but obviously we ignored him.

"Did you seriously just ask me what's wrong?" I looked at her with disbelief.

"I'm pretty sure I just did." She crossed her arms.

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