Chapter 10

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Camila's POV

"So what's in the envelope?" Ally questioned. Amy sat on her bed and glanced around at all of us. She fumbled with the envelope and pulled out the file we got yesterday.

"He knew." She started as she opened it. "Daniel knew that you would find me." She elaborated before handing Ally a piece of paper.

"What does it say?" Harry asked as he peered over her.

"I'll read it out loud." She cleared her throat.

Hi girls, and I know it's most likely you Amy, since you're a smart girl and you will find a way to find this. Where do I start off? I guess it would be with an apology. I don't know how you will feel about me after reading this, but I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. I truly messed up and I am so terribly sorry for what is going to happen. You're all probably wondering why I did what I did.
  If you girls were in my position you would understand. My restaurant is costing me so much and I don't have the money to keep it running anymore. Kyle, Elizabeth's father, knew what I was going through and he approached me one night. He said that he could help me. I agreed to work for him before I knew his intentions. When he told me that he would kill my older brother and niece so I could get their money I tried to get out of it, but he wouldn't let me. He said I knew to much and the only way for me to get out is to kill me. I know it was a horrible mistake but i'm desperate.
  I need you girls to know how to place these men behind bars because if you are reading this that means my prayers were answered and you're safe. It also means that I am no longer with you. I am warning you now, that Kyle has gotten in contact with my brother Jeffery. I'm sure Olivia doesn't talk about him, but he is more dangerous than Kyle himself. He has men who follow his orders even while he is behind bars. In this file, I have the paperwork of every man who works for him. Kyle is planning to bail him out of prison and in return Jeffery and his men are going to have to work for him.
  Kyle is a sick man, but he knows how to manipulate. Whatever you do, don't tell your parents. They're all close and they won't believe you. It's kind of hard to believe that someone you're close with is planning to kill you. Anyways, I have Kyle's mens' files hidden somewhere else incase this spot was found by anyone other than you. Dinah knows where. I once told her a place I visited often and that is where they're hidden. She had no idea why I told her this, but i'm sure she'll be able to tell you.
  Once you get them, go straight to the police and show them all of what is inside. It has Kyle's plans and how he was involved. I know he will deny any involvement and he will hide any evidence, but this should be enough for him to get locked away.
  I guess that is it. Once again I want to apologize. You girls mean more to me than anything and I hope you live happily after this. Amy, i'm extremely sorry. You don't know how many times I wanted to release you. I can hear you crying right now as I am writing this and it is killing me. Please don't let this ruin the great person you are and find it in you to try and move past this. As for the rest of you, I am sorry.
Please forgive me-Daniel

Once again, I am speechless. I glanced at the others and saw the shock in their face.

"Don't cry." Harry said once he saw tears falling from Amy's eyes. He stood up and went to wrap his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her.

"I don't know if i'm happy or scared." Zendaya said.

"Well, i'm happy because everything on this note is everything we had predicted, now we have proof of it." A smile formed on Ally's face.

"We have to ask Dinah where Daniel used to go." I said.

"What if she forgot?" Zendaya furrowed her brows. "If she did, then how would we find the rest of the files?"

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