Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

"Mmm, that feels good, Camz." I hummed.

"Good, it's supposed to feel like that." She mumbled as she applied a bit more pressure. "Is that okay?" She asked. I only hummed in approval as I let myself be taken care of.

"It says here that it will only last around 3 days, but around 10 to heal." I heard Olivia state as she looked on her phone.

"Ugh, I want it gone now though." I whined, causing Camila to smack my arm.

"Hush and reheat the towel, it's getting cold again." She demanded. I felt her remove the small towel from my eye. When I opened my right eye, it was blurry, due to Camila applying the warm towel over it. I did as she asked while I heard Dinah speak.

"Good, because I don't want to risk getting that shit." She pushed her sunglasses further up. I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's only a stye, Dinah. It's not contagious."

"Yes they are." Olivia said as she scrolled through her phone. "But only if you make contact with it."

"What do you mean contact? As in I can't look her in the eyes." Dinah spoke once again.

"Don't be stupid, Dinah. What she means is that if you touch it and then touch your eye right after, you'll most likely get it." Camila said as she wacked the taller girl.

"Just taking precautions." Dinah glared at my girlfriend as she rubbed the back of her head. Camila rolled her eyes before turning to face me again. She frowned and reached out to caress my face.

"It looks really bad, Lo." She commented. I whined before resting my forehead on her shoulder.

"I know." I mumbled just as the microwave beeped. I sighed before pulling away and retrieving the small cloth. I grabbed the hot cloth and gently placed it over my eye again, feeling myself relax as the heat soothed the slight pain.

"Soo, do you still want to go shopping or would it be better if we went without you?" I opened my eye that wasn't covered and narrowed it at Dinah.

"Just say you don't want to go with me, Dinah." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I don't want you to come with us." She shrugged. Camila smacked her again. "Hey, but I have a good reason for it." She whined as she and Camila started pinching each other. "You could stay home and get better instead of going out and infecting everyone who looks at your eye."

"It's not contagious, Dinah!" I exasperated as I glared at her.

"It is, Laur." Olivia piped in, causing me to roll my eyes again.

"Well it's not like I'm going to rub my eye then go around and poke other people's eyes!" I exasperated.

"Girl, we're just saying that it would be better if you stayed." Dinah shrugged as she leaned against the counter and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Whatever, I don't even want to go." I lied. Truth is, I need to go shopping since Camila has taken so many of my shirts.

"Babe, just come. Wear sunglasses and you'll be fine." Camila mumbled as she pulled the cloth away from my eye. I saw her grimace as she looked at my eye, causing me to frown. "Maybe some big and dark sunglasses." She chuckled, causing me to whine.

"Seeee! Even you can't help but laugh at me, imagine people at the mall." I crossed my arms and frowned as Camila put the cloth back in the microwave.

"I'm not laughing, it just looks so bad." Camila said as she tried hard not to laugh. "But let's just go before it gets late." Camila nodded towards Dinah.

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