Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

"You have to tell her! I can't have a good excuse as to why I forgot our 6 month anniversary unless you tell her." I exclaimed to, Amy.

"I know! I'm sorry for all the shit i'm putting you through. I'll tell her. In fact i'll tell her right now." Amy grabbed her phone and started typing away.

"Don't be an idiot." Ally said as she snatched her phone away. "You can't tell her through text."

"But if I tell her in person she'll freak."

"If you text it to her she'll freak even more." Ally shook her head.

"Amy! Zendaya is here. Do you allow her to enter your room?" Big Rob announced through the door.

"Yes Rob." She answered.

"Explain yourself, Mila." Zendaya said just as she stepped into the room.

"Hello to you to, Zenny." I said as she looked around some papers on, Amy's desk. "Why aren't you at school?"

"To get answers. Now enough with the bullshit. What's going on?" She turned to me and crossed her arms.

"Well, I don't know if you've heard but I forgot..."

"Yeah I know. It's all, Lauren has been crying about." She cut me off while reading something on a piece of paper. "Now what's the reason?"

"I'm pregnant." Amy blurted out, catching, Zendaya's attention.


"I'm pregnant and they're helping me with everthing." She quickly explained.

"Are you keeping it? Does, Niall know already?" She questioned.

"Yes i'm keeping the damb thing, but...ugh!" Amy exclaimed as she ran a hand through her hair and paced the floor.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked with a concerned voice.

"I-i'm pretty positive that..."

"That what!?" I said impatiently noticing how her eyes got teary.

"That he's not the dad." She said while facing the floor. Well Holy Fuck.

"Hija dé tú pinche madre. What do you mean he's not the dad!?" Ally said with a shocked expression. I'm pretty sure I have the same look.

"Exactly that." She said with a small voice.

"Well who else did you have sex with?" Zendaya said surprisingly calm.

"Harry." She said with an even smaller voice.

"Oh my God." I whispered as I ran a hand over my face. Ally and I shared the same shocked expression while, Zendaya remained calm.

"When did you have sex with him." She asked.

"Two days after, Niall and I did." She replied as she remained staring at the floor.

"Niall! You cheated on, Niall. Why? I thought you loved him." Ally said with a confused look.

"I did, or I do...I don't know anymore."

"Before you start saying stuff," Zendaya gave Ally and I a stern look, "let her explain what happened. So, why did you sleep with, Harry?"

"I was confused about my feelings and I was trying to straighten out my thoughts..." Amy started until I interupted her.

"Confused about what feelings? And what thoughts?"

"Just start from the beginning." Zendaya said as she pulled her to the couch. Ally and I, both took seats on the small coffee table across from them and sat patiently for, Amy to explain.

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