Chapter 33

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Camila's POV

"Lauren just told me that they found Camren." I mentioned to my dad while turning off my phone and placing it in my pocket. "They took her to the hospital because she had some blood on her." I felt my eyes water at the thought that maybe the blood found on Camren was that of my little sister. "The vet is going to check to see if it is her blood or if it's human blood."

My dad only nodded his head before staring off again. He's been like this since Sofi was abducted, staring at nothing, giving short replies, crying. My mom's state was no different. She's been in Sofia's room crying. I've been a mess too. My baby sister was abducted by a man who has it out for us for no reason. Why did he hate us so much? We had nothing to do with his past. We didn't force him into taking dirty money from someone who killed his wife, we didn't do anything wrong to him, yet he kidnaps my little sister and is now attempting to hunt the rest of us down. I'm just so tired of everything.

"Can I go with Lauren to the pet hospital?" I asked. My dad quickly shook his head before facing me.

"You can't leave this house until we know that it is safe out there for you."

"I'm not even safe in my own home! Sofia was taken from our backyard! I can't stay cooped up in here anymore! I need to get out! I need to do something!" This was an argument I had multiple times with my dad. I even tried involving the parents of my best friends in hopes that they could help convince my parents into letting me out of the house, but to no avail.

"Well what do you expect to do? Go searching for her on your own?" He questioned me. "Kyle wants all of us dead! Including your friends. I don't want you going out until we find your sister and he is behind bars!"

"Let her go, Alejandro." I heard my mom's tired voice come from the hallway. I turned around and watched her as she made her way towards us. She looked so tired. It broke my heart. 

"But what about..." My dad lowered his voice, not wanting to upset my mom anymore. My mom only shook her head before speaking up again.

"Camila, you can go, but Dwayne and Channing must be at your side at all times, no exceptions." My mom referred to the personal security guards they trusted.

"Of course." I agreed. My dad sighed in defeat before giving me a kiss on my head and calling my security. 

"Let me know what the doctor says and how Camren is doing." My mom said to me. I only nodded my head and followed after my dad to the front door. Once Channing stepped out of the car and made his way to me, I said goodbye to my parents and got in the car with the two muscular men. 

"How are you feeling?" Dwayne asked me once he started driving to the pet hospital. 

"Shitty." I replied before pulling out my phone to let Lauren know that I was on my way. Channing and Dwayne made small talk, but I wasn't really feeling up to it. I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. The only thing on my mind was my little sister. Was she okay? 

"Camila?" Dwayne's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I lifted my head from the window and faced him. "We're here." I only nodded my head before Channing opened the door for me. 

"Camz." Lauren called out to me once I entered the small pet hospital. I looked up at her. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, she was wearing washed out jeans and an oversized shirt. When I met her eyes, I couldn't hold back the tears. "Oh, my Camz." I heard her say as she brought me into her arms. I couldn't help it. I've been trying to hold it together since my parents weren't able to, but seeing Lauren, I couldn't be strong in front of her. With her, I knew I didn't have to be strong.

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