Chapter 25

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*You're going to hate me. Buuuuttt, oh well! Filler Chapter!*

Camila's POV

"Are you all ready to go!" Olivia shouted excitedly from behind me as we made our way onto the private jet that all of our families shared when they traveled for their business meetings.

"Is that even a question?" Normani shook her head before taking a seat on one of the leather seats and letting out a deep sigh.

"Geez! No wonder our parents like going to business meetings. This jet is incredible." Ally said as she walked further into the luxurious private jet. My eyes widened as I followed closely behind Ally. I knew all of our families invested into buying a private jet, but I didn't expect it to be so nice.

"Well, I would willingly go to meetings if it meant I got to travel on this baby." Dinah said as she tossed herself on the couch.

"Hey! Move over! I was going to sit there!" Alyssa said before she attempted to move Dinah's legs off of the couch, only to fail.

"No. I'm already laying down, go sit somewhere else." Dinah sassed. Alyssa narrowed her eyes at her before moving along and taking a seat at the table.

"I call dibs on the first movie!" Zendaya said as she ran towards the television.

"No! I called dibs on our way here!" I argued before I ran towards her and tried to grab the remote out of her hands. We continued to bicker and argue about who would have the remote until I heard Lauren speak up.

"Camz, don't worry. We have like 5 hours till we get to Cali. You can choose a movie later." She said from behind me. I groaned before releasing the remote and glaring at Zendaya.

"That's right. Listen to yo girl." Zendaya smirked before she started looking through the movie list. I rolled my eyes and decided to take a seat at one of the tables that were alongside the windows.

"So, what's going to be the first thing we do once we land there? I vote on going to the beach." Becky announced as she sat on the sofa chair near where Dinah had made herself comfortable.

"No, we go to the beach here. It's the same. Sand and water." Amy said with an annoyed expression. 

"The first thing we're going to do is get settled into my parents house." I said while Lauren sat across from me with a tired sigh. It was early morning and we were all tired, but none the less, excited to be going to California.

"The first thing I'm going to do is take a long ass nap." The pregnant teen said as she tossed her phone on the small table that was placed in front of Dinah.

"How about you take one right now. Shit, I know I am." Dinah said as she turned onto her side and closed her eyes. "Besides, you need one. You're being a bitch again."

"That sounds like a good idea, so move." Amy said as she stood in front of Dinah. "And yes, i'm talking to you, Dinah." She said with sass. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing when I saw Dinah open her eyes with a look of shock.

"Uh, yeah right. How about you tell your girlfriend there to get her ass off that chair so you can sleep there." Dinah nodded towards Becky, whose eyes widened at Dinah's words. Amy glared at Dinah, making the Polynesian realize what she had said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you weren't exclusive yet." She smirked before raising a brow at her. "Maybe I can help with that, of course, only if you make me get off of this comfortable couch where I plan to take a nap."

"You're such a bitch." Amy growled before walking off and sitting at the table where the rest of the girls were taking out things they brought to entertain themselves for the long flight.

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