Chapter 7

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Camila's POV

"Camila." I kept hearing my name being repeatedly called. I groaned before forcing my eyes open. I was met with Zendaya's face hovering above mine. "Camila, it's already 1."

"Okay?" I mumbled before covering my face with my arm.

"Let's go do something." She uncovered my face and hit me with a pillow. I groaned before sitting up. "You look like shit."

"Like you look any better." I pointed to the pizza sauce that was smeared across her face and her hair that was all knotted up.

"Whatever. Let's just go to my house, get cleaned up, and get something to eat." I nodded my head before standing up and walking to my bathroom. After I let out my morning liquid I took a long hard look at my appearance. My eyes were puffy and red, my hair was practically a birds nest, and my make-up was smeared down my cheeks due to the tears I released yesterday.

"Well Camila, you look like how you feel." I whispered to myself before throwing a large handful of water across my face, allowing myself to feel an ounce of relief.

  I attempted to try and tame my hair a bit by running my fingers through it, to my success it actually looked decent. I trudged to the door and threw myself on the bed as Zendaya followed my previous actions.

"Alright. Let's go." She said once she stepped out of the bathroom. I lazily got up from my bed and we walked to the front door until I remembered something.

"My phone." I mumbled. Zendaya nodded and followed me into the livingroom where I remembered tossing my phone in between the couch cushions. I furrowed my brows when I couldn't find it. "Where the hell is it?" I mumbled as I tossed the cushions onto the ground.

"Are you sure you left it there?" Zendaya questioned me.

"Yeah. I'm positive that it was here." I replied as I stood up.

"I'll just call it." Zendaya pulled out her phone and dialed my number. I furrowed my brows when I heard the faint music coming from upstairs. I made my way up with Zendaya following close behind. I followed the sound and it led to my dads private office. I slowly pushed the door open and gasped when I saw the room.

  My dad's desk cabinet doors were wide open and paper was thrown across the whole room. My phone was placed right beside the computer. I walked further into the room and examined the pictures that were on the floor. They were personal pictures of my family and I. Zendaya quickly put her phone away and walked to my dad's desk while I picked up some papers. I looked it over and grew confused when I read the names of all of my dad's business partners companies.

"Somebody faxed all of your pictures out." Zendaya said. I looked up and saw her staring at my dads computer screen. I made my way over and looked over her shoulder.

"What do you mean." I questioned. She stood up and made her way to the fax machine that was next to the desk. She looked over it before turning to me.

"Someone was in here yesterday." My eyes widened the second those words left her mouth. "They scanned all of your pictures and faxed them out to somebody."


"I don't know. They deleted the address." I ran a hand through my hair and started pacing the room. I stopped when I noticed a certain picture frame turned over. I slowly walked towards it and picked it up. I knew what picture it was, it was of my whole family at a barbecue we threw last year. The only thing missing was my little sister. Her figure was cut out, leaving an empty spot.

"Call Ally." I breathed out. "She knows how to hack into stuff." I placed the frame down and turned to see Zendaya already holding her phone to her ear.

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