Chapter 9

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Camila's POV

"Sooo?" I heard Alyssa attempt to break the awkward tension in the car. "You know, I think that if we turn on the...." she started until Lauren cut her off.

"No." She said, causing Alyssa to shrink into the backseat.

"Can we at least play a game?" She mumbled. Lauren turned from her seat and glared at her.

"Does it look like I want to play a fucking game right now." I glanced at the rearview mirror to the seat behind me and saw Alyssa shake her head before staring out the window. I sighed before turning my attention to the road again.

"I want to play a game." Amy chimed in from behind Lauren. "Let's play patty cake."

"Or how about we play the silent game." Lauren mumbled as she rested her head on the window.

"We've been playing that for the past hour." Amy remarked. I internally groaned when I saw Lauren raise her head.

"How about you just shut up for the rest of the drive."

"How about you stop being such an ass." She snapped back.

"You know what Alyssa, you're right. Let's play a game. What about the confession game? Because i'm sure you two have quite a few things to say." Lauren glanced between Amy and I.

"Maybe I should just turn on the...." I reached out to turn on the radio until Lauren slapped my hand away.

"No. Let's play it. Alyssa, didn't you say you wanted to play a game?" Lauren said.

"Yeah, but I was thinking of a fun one." Alyssa mumbled as she remained shrunken in her seat by the look Lauren was giving her.

"Oh, but this game is fun. You find out that some people aren't who they say they are." Lauren gave a fake smile.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are referring to someone specific right now?" Amy crossed her arms.

"Maybe because I am." Lauren simply shrugged.

"Care to give any names?"

"How about a hint? It starts with the letter A."

"Is it Annabelle? Because I know that bitch is two faced."

"You and I both know that i'm not talking about a fucking doll." She said through gritted teeth.

"Then how about you just name the person? I'm sure Alyssa is dying to know. Aren't you?" Amy turned to her cousin.

"Actually I don't really care." Alyssa said in a small voice. I knew that she was just as uncomfortable as I was. These two have been at it since we left Alyssa's house. At first Alyssa and I tried to stop the bickering but after the fifth time we just gave up.

"I'm sure after Amy says her confession you'll care." Lauren smiled. "So, Amy, care to say something?"

"Lauren." I warned.

"What Camila? I'm just playing a game." She smirked. "Now come on, fess up Amy."

"Fine. I will." Amy started. I turned my head quickly and gave her a look, which she simply shrugged off, before I faced the road again. "I was the one who stole the teacher's sticker box in sixth grade. It was because of me that we didn't have recess for the next two weeks."

"That was you!" Alyssa exclaimed. Amy simply nodded her head. "Because of you, I didn't get to use the new slide they placed that same day!"

"Hey! Mr. Shalahan had awesome stickers!"

"He did didn't he?" I smirked when I was reminded of his scratch and sniff stickers.

"That's not the confession I was talking about." Lauren cut off our conversation. "I was talking about the huge one you're hiding. Don't you want to tell your cousin what's going on?"

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