Chapter 11

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*This is a filler chapter. Y'all need to pay close attention to the bonds being made because it will be important in the future*

Lauren's POV

"And, here we are." Alyssa announced once we pulled up to a very large house. She parked in the driveway and turned to me. "Take the things out of the trunk while I knock on the door."

"Why me?" I furrowed my brows.

"Because I said so, now hurry so we can leave already." She smiled before getting out of the car. I groaned before walking to the trunk of the rental car. I grabbed as many bags as I could and walked up the pathway, where Alyssa was waiting for an answer.

"That's not all of the bags." Before I could respond the door opened.

"Liza!" I hard a high pitched voice.

"Sofs!" Alyssa squealed as she knelt down to the little girls level and embraced her in a hug. "It's so great to see you! I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Liza!" Sofia said with a smile. When her eyes landed on me she smirked before releasing Alyssa and throwing herself on me. I immediately dropped the bags and wrapped my arms around her, not because I wanted to, but because it was my first reaction.

"I missed you so much Green Octopus." I scoffed at her nickname for me. If she wants to play nice in front of people, i'll do the same.

"I missed you too baboon brains!" I replied. Suddenly I felt a strand of my hair get tugged. I turned to see Alyssa grabbing the rest of the bags from the car, completely unaware that the little brat was pulling my hair.

"Stop that." I hissed at her while tightening my hold on her. The only response was her tugging my hair harder. Before I could say anything Alyssa was by our side again.

"I'm going to tell your parents that we're leaving." Alyssa said as she grabbed all of the bags. "I'll be out soon."

"Take your time Liza!" Sofi said happily. Alyssa ruffled her hair before going inside.  Once she was out of sight I immediately dropped Sofia on the floor. She fell with a loud thud.

"You have some nerve to act all sweet when Alyssa is around." I said as she stood up and glared at me.

"And you have some nerve coming to my house after what you did to my sister."

"What are you talking about?" I crossed my arms and raised a brow at her.

"You made her cry!" She shouted before harshly kicking my leg.

"Owww!" I said before rasing my leg to massage the aching from where she kicked me. "How would you know if I made her cry?" I asked.

She kicked the back of my other knee, causing me to fall onto both of my knees. "She called me saying that she wasn't coming anymore and you and Alyssa were." She suddenly grabbed the collar of my shirt. "While she was crying." She growled.

"Yeah, well she isn't...." I started until she cut me off by slapping my cheek. I looked at her astonished.

"You just unleashed Lily." She growled before pushing me away from the shoulders. Before I could process anything that just happened Alyssa showed up.

"And we're off." Alyssa smiled. "Alejandro said that he didn't want us driving around in a rental so he's letting us borrow his car. He's going to call someone to return the car." She spun the keys around her finger while walking towards the black sports car beside the rental.

"Great! Come on Octopus!" Sofia said happily before she entwined our hands and pulled me towards the car. I rolled my eyes and sat in the passengers seat while Alyssa pushed some buttons around the GPS. Sofia sat right behind me with a big smile.

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