Chapter 20

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*Lmao 😂 Y'all actually passed 40 pineapples. I'm so done. 😂😂Anyways, as promised. Here's Chapter 20.*

Lauren's POV

"Lauren, wake up!" I heard my mom's voice. I groaned and lazily sat up. I rubbed my eyes before focusing on the figure that was at the foot of my bed. "Hurry up and get ready. Your father and I want to talk to you." She, for some reason, looked angry. Before I can question what was wrong, she walked out of my room and slammed the door behind her.

  What's going on? Instead of making myself go crazy, I slowly got up and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed, ignoring the ache in my head. When I finished my makeup I fixed my hair and went back into my room. I grabbed my backpack and noticed a packet of papers on top of my nightstand. There was a post it note on top. I picked it up before reading it.

Hey Lo, this is the homework and classwork that you missed out on yesterday. I did it for you since you came home pretty late and I know you won't be able to do it the morning. I'll see you soon. -Camila

I furrowed my brows. When did Camila drop this off? Was she here yesterday? Well, the good thing is that she did my homework and classwork for me, now I don't have to worry about that. I shook my head and shoved the packet inside of my backpack before grabbing my car keys and phone. When I went downstairs I saw my parents sitting at the dining table together, they were talking quietly.

"What did you want to talk about?" I questioned while I looked for something quick to munch on. My dad cleared his throat before he motioned for me to take a seat in front of them. "Hold up, let me get something to eat first." I ignored him and continued to search through the fridge for something.

"You can eat after, now sit down." He raised his voice. I closed the door and turned to him weirdly. What the hell is up his ass? I rolled my eyes and sat across from my mom. "Where were you yesterday?"

"I was out with a friend." I responded.

"I didn't ask that. I asked where you were."

"I was at The Spot."

"Who let you go there? Because I don't remember you even asking your father or myself if you could go out." My mom said to me. I furrowed my brows at why they were getting mad. I go there all of the time and they never complain, I don't understand why yesterday was so different.

"I go there all the time. I don't understand why you're making a big deal about it." I responded.

"We are making a big deal about it because we left money on the counter so the 3 of you could buy something to eat, but you took the money and went out instead! Your brother and sister didn't have anything to eat all day! They were lucky that Camila came by and took them out to eat and kept them company until we got home! Not only that, but you came home late! And to top it off, you were intoxicated for the second night in a row!" My dad raised his voice. I shrunk a bit in my seat since he was scary when he got like this. "We allowed you to stay home yesterday so you could recover because you were drunk the night before, but instead you went out and got drunk again!"

  My dad got up from his seat and started pacing the floor while I stared at the table. I hadn't even thought about Chris and Taylor yesterday. How could I have been selfish and take the money that was for food and waste it on liquor? They couldn't even call for delivery since they didn't have money.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled out. "I wasn't thinking. I..."

"No Lauren, you weren't thinking, but maybe after this you will think." My mom started to say. "You're grounded until further notice."

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