Chapter 15

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*You guys are going to hate me when you read my message to you at the end of this chapter. But hey, im bored :P*

Lauren's POV

"Lauren, how are you feeling? Because in all honesty, you look like shit." I gave Becky a harsh glare as I attempted to walk down the hallway of school. She quickly caught up and walked by my side before continuing. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She grabbed my arm and stopped me from taking further steps. "Look, I know you're upset, but Olivia found some info of her uncle." She hushed her voice. I took a deep breath before meeting her eyes.

"What did she find out?" I let out in one breath. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. That's why she's been calling your phone all morning so we could talk about it at the field."

"Right now?" She nodded her head and grabbed my arm so I can follow after her. "Look, i'm not really in the mood to talk or to deal with whatever she is going to say. Can you just tell me later?" She looked as if she was going to protest until I gave her a pleading look.

"Fine. I'll see you later." She gave me a quick hug before walking towards the field. It's been over two weeks since I had ended my relationship with Camila. We've been ignoring each other since. I know she's been allowing me to collect myself and to clear my mind before she would approach me.

It was Thursday which meant we had another softball game later today. I was walking around with my head low. Things had really taken a turn for the worst. Zendaya, Dinah, Ally, and Amy have been hanging out with Camila. They've basically shut us out, with the exception of Alyssa since she would talk to her cousin. Our softball games have been really bad and my dad has been keeping me on a tight leash. He's been asking me where I was going and with who. It was really starting to bother me.

"Laur?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice. I turned to see the face of who called me.

"What do you want?" I said rather harshly. Her face fell for a second before she composed herself.

"I have to tell you something."

"Well I don't want to hear it. Go fuck yourself." I spat at her.

"Why don't you stop being a bitch and let me explain?"

"Because there's nothing to explain. I've been telling you all week that I don't want to be with Camila anymore! Why don't you just stop bothering me and let it be!?"

"Because i'm not a dumbass like you Lauren! And to be honest, I'm getting tired of Camila crying every damn day saying that you didn't glance at her during class or during fucking practice. She's fucking miserable right now!"

"And you think I'm not!?" I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even care that people were watching us. "You're always making me feel like shit saying that I made Camila miserable and that I broke her heart but you haven't even taken my feelings into consideration! You always forget to mention the lies, the secrets, and the days where she would spend with you instead of with me! You never bring that shit up because you chose her over me!" I could see the pain cross her features. She shook her head but before she spoke the bell rung.

"I'm done with this talk." I said before turning around. I was suddenly stopped when a hand gripped onto my arm. "Amy, let me go."

"I'm not Amy." I turned to see Austin standing with a sad expression. "But you really do need to hear her out." Behind him Amy was wiping away her tears. I was confused as to why Austin was wanting me to talk to her. Had he joined their side too?

"I have class." I bluntly replied before attempting to pull my arm free.

"So do I but this is more important. And knowing me, I wouldn't miss class if it wasn't." I sighed, knowing that there was no way out of this. It was inevitable that I would have to talk to her.

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