Chapter 17

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Camila's POV

"So what are they supposed to believe?" Zendaya shook her head in dissapointment. "That you are suddenly intrested in someone new and that you're going to forget about Lauren?"

"Well it's what you're supposed to tell everyone okay? No matter how harsh and how stupid it sounds you have to make it seem like it's the truth." I tried to reason with her.

"Look Camila, we literally just spilled all of our secrets out on Thursday, and now you're wanting me to keep more?" She asked in disbelief. "I just can't do it anymore Camila. It's hard keeping so many secrets."

"Well you're going to have to." I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Being away from Lauren right now is literally going to save her life."

"Okay, but how is it going to save her life? You are telling me to tell these lies without an actual reason to. And until you give me a legit and reasonable reason, i'm not going to hide anymore secrets." She crossed her arms.

"Lauren and I are on the top of Kyle's 'Kill list'."

"So why does that mean that you have to stay away from Lauren? We're all on his 'Kill List' yet you don't see us separating from each other." Zendaya asked me.

"Okay, it's just, I can't explain this on my own so we need to go somewhere." I tossed my phone on her bed and grabbed her wrist before pulling her down the stairs.

"Where are we going and why did you leave your phone?"

"We're going to my old house and I left my phone so that they won't track us like the last time the two of us were alone there." Without anymore questions we got into my car and I drove us to the place I grew up in. I looked around, making sure no one was around before I opened the door and entered with Zendaya right behind me.

"Now, before you freak out I need you to know that he is on our side." I said as I locked the door. She gave me a questioning look but I ignored it and dragged her further into the house.

"Who's there?" I heard his voice come from the kitchen. 

"Camila." I answered before I walked into the room. Sure enough there was Jeffery, standing in front of the microwave with a burrito in his hands.

"Oh my god! You're Jeffery!" Zendaya started to freak out.

"Hi." He gave her a smile. Before I can explain why he was there Zendaya threw her phone at his face as hard as she could, making him drop his burrito and fall on his knees before cupping his face.

"Hurry Mila! He's down! Now is our chance to run!" She tried to yank me out of the room but I shook my head.

"No, there's no need to run."

"But he's trying to kill us!" She once again tried to pull me out of the room.

"You know it kind of hurts that you all think that i'm going to hurt you." He mumbled as he stood up while trying to soothe the pain Zendaya inflicted on him. "I'm not that kind of guy."

"What?" She questioned the situation. I nodded my head and stepped further into the kitchen. "Mila, what the hell is going on?"

"So, this is who I was actually with on Thursday." I tried to explain myself. "I wasn't really with some guy named Jake."

"Hold up, i'm fucking confused right now. What the hell is going on."

"I'll explain, just let me clean up the food I was supposed to eat." Jeffery gave her a look before kneeling down and picking up his burrito that was now spread across the floor. "You're not even going to help me? Damn, you're rude." He directed towards Zendaya.

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