Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

"The arrangements are done. You and your friends will be on your way to California next week." My dad smiled at me.

"I'm still kind of bummed that you two aren't coming with us." I frowned at Chris and Taylor. "Are you sure that you want to go to Italy instead?"

"Are you serious? It's Italy we're talking about. I think we'll have more fun there than California." Taylor answered as she continued to eat one of the omelets I cooked earlier. Suddenly we heard a car horn. I ignored it and continued eating.

"Besides, it's only for 2 weeks. After that you'll be back to spend time with your brother and sister. This trip is about having fun with your friends." My mom answered just before we heard a car horn again, only this time it didn't stop.

"Wait. But what about you two? Are you going to Italy with them?" I questioned my parents.

"No, we're not going with them. We have to take care of some business here." She shared a look with my dad.

"Oh come on! You can take two weeks off." I exclaimed, ignoring the constant car horn that was most likely being caused by Zendaya, since she doesn't like to wait for me.

"That's what the rest of the summer is for." My mom said before she rolled her eyes. "Now get out so that they can stop honking that horn!" She grabbed my arm and made me stand from my seat before placing her hands on my shoulders and pushing me towards the front door. "Bye sweetheart! Have a great last day of school!"

"Bye mom, love you!" I responded before walking towards Camila's car. When I got into the backseat I leaned over and gave Camila a peck before greeting Zendaya. "You know, my mom has really started to get fed up with you being so noisy this early in the morning."

"Well, your ass takes so damn long to get out of the house. I texted you ten minutes ago saying that we were around the corner!" Zendaya replied while Camila started backing out of the driveway. 

"Exactly! Around the corner, not in the driveway." I said. She only squinted her eyes at me before facing forward and ignoring my presence. I chuckled before leaning forward and placing my chin on Camila's shoulder as she started the drive to school. 

"I hope you have your seatbelt on." She said with a smile as she took a quick glance at me.

"And if I don't?" I smiled as I place a kiss on her soft cheek.

"Then you're breaking the law." She smirked.

"Would that make me a naughty girl?" I started to trace my lips over her shoulder after I pulled her shirt down a bit.

"Oh hell no!" Zendaya said loudly, making me remember that we weren't alone in the car. "Are ya'll really talking dirty in front of me!?"

"Maybe." I mumbled before leaning back and putting my seatbelt on with a small smirk.

"Watch when I tell Normani and Ally." Zendaya shook her head. I immediately stopped smirking and frowned.

"No! Don't tell them anything!" I quickly said, remembering the last time they lectured me about talking this way with Camila in front of the girls. The sad thing was that they only gave me the speech, not Camila, even though she was the one who started it.

"That's what I thought." Zendaya smirked. "Anyways, today is the last day bitches! Does this mean we can consider ourselves seniors now?"

"Does it really matter? We've basically been seniors since freshman year." Camila said with a chuckle.

"That's true." I agreed with her.

"Well anyways, I'm still excited about this! It can be like a new start for us. I don't want to be the same girl who knocked peoples binders and books on the floor. I'm going to try to be kind and get to know the people around us." She sighed with a smile.

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