Chapter 31

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Camila's POV

"Just put a piece of bread in the container." Lauren rolled her eyes as she snatched the chocolate chip cookies from my hands. I watched with a pout as she emptied out my dry cookies into a container before grabbing a slice of bread and throwing it on top of the cookies. She shut the container and moved it aside before facing me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure you can wait until tomorrow."

"I actually wanted to eat them now." I mumbled. I knew I was annoying her, but hey. I just wanted to enjoy some nice cookies that I had been craving all morning, but little did I know that I just bought some dry ass cookies. The disappointment was real.

"Ugh, fine. How many do you want?" She asked me while she opened the container.

"I wanted the whole bag." I wouldn't be surprised if I looked like a child right now, but I was really looking forward to snacking on the whole bag. I know that I could just eat them, even if they are dry, but they were supposedly 'freshly baked,' so I was expecting some nice soft treats, not some hard crunchy cookies.

"Ugh! Why are you like this?" Lauren threw her head back before grabbing the container, taking out the bread slice, and tossing the cookies in the microwave. 

"Because, I had high expectations of the deliciousness, but now i'm just wishing that I had no expectations, that way I wouldn't be so disappointed." I replied just as the microwave beeped, indicating that the ten seconds were up.

"Well, luckily, you have me as a girlfriend, and I just so happened to have watched a YouTube video about how to make cookies soft again. So, you're welcome." She held out the container with a sarcastic smile, most likely tired of me whining all morning about the quality of the cookies I had bought for myself.

"Hmm, let's see if your YouTube knowledge is right." I narrowed my eyes at her before reaching into the container and grabbing a cookie.

"If it isn't, i'm just going to stick a piece of bread in there and you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to eat some cookies." She said as she shoved the piece of bread back into the packaging.

"Or, you can do that, but we still stop by the store and buy real fresh ones on our way to my house." I sent her a smile before I shoved the delicious treat into my mouth. I chewed it delicately and made a serious face. "Hmm." I hummed and chewed on it some more, causing Lauren to widen her eyes in annoyance and stare at me, waiting for my response. "Yup, this is why I love you." I nodded my head and stared at her. She scoffed at my words, but smiled none the less. 

"Well, now that you're not being a crybaby anymore, are you ready to leave?" She questioned me while I grabbed the container and shoved another cookie into my mouth. 

"Yeah, but aren't you forgetting the reason that I came here?" I mumbled.

"Oh, yeah." She nodded, but didn't give any further information.

"So, where's Camren?" I questioned as I looked around for our pup. I haven't seen her in over a week since I had spent the entire week settling into my old house and catching up with my family. I missed my little baby.

"My mom took her on a walk with Chris and Taylor right before you got here. I was supposed to, but you told me that you were on your way, so I decided against it." She mumbled in disappointment, making me smile at her adorableness. 

"Awww, did I ruin your bonding time with our baby?" I teased her with my baby voice.

"Oh, please." She scoffed with an eye roll before walking towards the living room area, me following close behind. "I only take her on walks so that you won't be mad at me for not giving her proper exercise."

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