Chapter 26

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Lauren's POV

"Ah!! I found her star!!" Olivia shouted as she fell on her knees and squealed.

"Well bitch, smile for the camera!" Alyssa said as she held up the Polaroid camera. Alyssa took a quick snap before she started to freak out as well. "You have to take a picture of me with Whoopi's star too!" I groaned and decided to take a seat at a nearby bench that was being shaded by a palm tree. It was an extremely hot day and I was not having it. I was already frustrated because we've been walking around for over four hours looking for celebrity stars, but now I was getting mad because my stomach is in need of food. 

"Let's find Jennifer Aniston's star now!" Becky shouted as she scanned the floor in search of the named star.

"No! I want to find Shrek's!" Zendaya argued. 

"I agree! Let's find his star!" Dinah high fived Zendaya.

"But we agreed to find Marilyn Monroe's star next." Amy crossed her arms in annoyance, meanwhile I let out another small groan. They have been arguing about whose star to visit all day long, which is the reason we have been walking around in circles.

"No, we're finding Tinker Bell's" Ally chimed in. Everyone turned to face her.

"What the fuck, no. I'm not walking my ass around to find some fictional character's star. I want to see the Queen's." Amy said, causing Ally to frown.

"Don't offend Tinker Bell!"

"Can we just go to Michael Jackson's star? I really need a picture with the King." Normani cut Amy off before she could start an argument with Ally.

"I'm up for it!" Olivia chimed in with a smile as her eyes scanned the poloroid picture taken not to long ago. "I've already seen Whoopi's, so i'm down to see anyone's at this point."

"We get it, Olivia. You're satisfied with the stars you've seen today, but i'm not!" Zendaya crossed her arms. And once again, they started bickering about whose star to see next.

"Ugh!" I groaned before I rolled my eyes and wiped some of the sweat from my forehead.

"Hey." I turned my head to the side to see an unfamiliar face. 

"Hi." I replied shortly before facing my idiot friends again.

"My name is Cody. I was just wondering if...."

"Look," I turned my face so that I could make eye contact, "I'm not interested in any coupon books you are trying to sell me because I don't use coupons, but if you need some cash for your basketball team, or whatever sport you play, I will spare you the long conversation you're going to try to have with me and just give you some cash instead." He raised his eyebrows in surprise and stared at me for a few seconds, causing me to grow even more annoyed.

"Umm, I, I'm actually, umm not selling coupons." He studdered as looked in every direction but mine.

"Oh, well no. You can't have my phone number." I clarified. His eyes widened even more before he cleared his throat.

"I wasn't going to ask for your phone number either." He turned to face the floor.

"Well then, what do you want?" I didn't mean to be rude, but can you blame me? I'm sitting in the heat, i've been walking for over four hours, and i'm hungry. I was bound to snap at somebody.

"I was just going to ask if you can get off of my sketchbook. You're sitting on it." He blushed and gestured towards where I am sitting. I furrowed my brows and stood up. Sure enough, I was sitting on a black sketchbook decorated with street art and random words.

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