Chapter 1

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Annie POV:

I pull up to Capitol College. Tomorrow is the first day of classes. I'm so excited everyone--minus Glimmer--is going to the same college. This was summer was so much fun! Finnick's family let all of us stay there. Glimmer came and stayed with us. She came up with this idea to remember our last summer before college for all of us to get tattoos. I got a flower on my shoulder. Finnick got a trident on his bicep. Gale got a band around his bicep. Johanna got one on her foot that says 'Life is a beautiful struggle.' Cato got the roman numeral of two on his right forearm because it's his lucky number and he got the roman numeral of 28 because that's his football number. Clove got the quote 'This too shall pass' on her wrist. Glimmer got a bow on her thumb. Marvel got all of the avengers symbols going around his arm because he was named after Marvel comics. Peeta got the Libra symbol on his wrist. Katniss got an arrow on her hip.

I walk over to where everyone goes to get their schedule and their dorm room.

"Hi, what's your name?" A pretty blonde girl says. Her name tag reads, Cashmere.

"Annie Cresta," I say.

"Here is your dorm room number and your schedule. I'm Cashmere if you need any help finding anything, I'll be going around the dorms to check on all of the freshmen," Cashmere says.

"Ok, thank you," I say. I walk into the girls' building and find my dorm room. I see I'm the first one there. I put my stuff down on a bed. The door opens and a brown haired girl walks in.

"Hi, I'm Katniss. I think this is the right room," she says.

"Katniss, it's Annie," I say.

"Oh thank God! I was worried I was going get someone I wasn't going to like," she says coming over to me. "Have you talked to Clove or Johanna?" I shake my head. "Me neither."

Clove POV:

I walk into my dorm room and my roommate is already there.

"Hey, I'm Clove," I say. My roommate turns around. It's Johanna. Please tell me I'm in the wrong room, I think.

"Your probably not in the wrong room, but that makes me feel great," Johanna says. I said that out loud?

"Sorry," I mumble. I put my stuff down on the empty bed. I start to unpack until I get a text. I see it's on our group chat with everyone, but Glimmer.

(Text conversation)

F: Where is everyone @?

A: In our dorm rooms

G: duh

F: which rooms r u all in?

A: Kat and I r in A218

Cl: Jo and I r in A219

Ca: Marvel and I are in B128

G: Me, Peeta, and Finnick are in B127

F: Let's all meet on the lawn in 10?

Everyone: Sure

(End of conversation)

"I'm gonna change before we go," I say.

"Whatever," Johanna says not really paying attention. I roll my eyes. I go into the bathroom and change out of my sweatshirt and leggings and put on a white tank top, a black floral skirt, a gray cardigan, and black converse. I walk out and we go down to the lawn. I see all of our friends there. We start talking about what classes we're talking and stuff like this.

I hear someone say, "Oh my gosh! Peeta Mellark?"

Peeta POV:

I turn around and see Cashmere standing there. She is one of my brothers friends from high school.

"Hey, Cashmere," I say. She runs over and hugs me. I look over to see all of my friends are confused. "She went to school with my brother."

"How's Rye?" she asks.

"Meh, he has no idea what to do with his life," I say.

"That's how he was in high school. Do you have any idea why he won't meet us when we get the high school group together?" she says. I've asked him that before and he always says, "he doesn't want to show up being the only one he didn't go to college or become successful.

"No idea," I lie.

"Well, I gotta go meet Gloss and Enobaria. See you around. If you need anything, text me," she says. Gloss is her twin brother and Enobaria is their friend.

"See you," I say. I turn back to my friends.

"How the hell did your brother become friends with someone so hot?" Cato asks absentmindedly. Clove glares at him. "Sorry, Clove, but seriously. Damn!" She rolls her eyes.

"I'm gonna go finish unpacking," Annie says.

"Same," all of the other girls say. They all walk off.

"So did your brother ever tap that?" Cato asks still staring at Cashmere.

"I think," I say. "Why are you so interested in her? You gonna ditch Clove for her?"

"No," he says. "Would you do her?" I shake my head. "Do you think she's hot?" I look at her up and down. She's very fit, blonde, and has all the right curves in all the right places.

"I think gay guys think she's hot. But I love Katniss. If I ever got with her, I'd be with my brother's ex. Isn't that weird? Plus she's three years older than us," I say.

"True, true. You guys think she's hot?" Cato asks.

"Hell yeah," Gale says.

"I don't really look at girls that way," Finnick says. Of course he doesn't.

Marvel mumbles something.

"What?" we all asks.

"She's my cousin," Marvel says.

"How the hell are you related to that?" Cato asks absentmindedly. "I didn't mean it that way."

"Nah, it's cool. My mom's family disowned her when they found out she was pregnant. I've seen Cashmere and Gloss a few times and we're on social media together. I can almost guarantee you she recognized me. She isn't supposed to talk to me," Marvel says.

"Well that's...different," Finnick says.

"Yeah," Marvel says.

Hey. New story! So this story will probably have slower updates than the first one. Don't worry drama is on it's way! In this chapter, they are getting settled in. Some girls are happy with their roommates; others not so much. There was a question on Jeopardy about Hannah Montana, so ha parents Hannah Montana does help me in life! I probably will ask questions, but not in this chapter. Imma watch PLL. Peace out girl scout!


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