Chapter 8

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to December/day of Wedding~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Annie POV:

I wake up full of jitters. It's my wedding day! "Morning, Annie!" Katniss says excited. "You ready for your wedding?"

"Absolutely," I say excitedly. Someone knocks on the door. "It's open!" Clove and Johanna walk in.

"You guys ready to get ready?" Clove asks.

"Yep," I say. "Katniss, can you help me with my hair?" Katniss nods. "I want to do something like this." I motion to the picture I found. Katniss starts curling my hair. She fishtail braids two small sections and pins them to the back of my head. She finishes on my hair and I start on my makeup. Clove, Johanna, and Katniss all put their hair in a messy low bun. We all get in our dresses. The bridesmaid dresses are mint green and flowy. They have a sweetheart neckline and a strap that have flowers on it. My dress is a long, mermaid style dress that's white and covered in lace. It also has a belt with mint green bling in it. We all look great.

"You ready to go?" Katniss asks. I nod nervously. "Let's go!" We all get in my car and go to the beach where Finnick and I had our first date. It's like our second home. It just makes sense. We pull up to the beach. I see everyone is sitting and ready for us to get started. The wedding party gets lined up and we all start proceeding to the front of the beach. I start to walk down the isle and start to feel really nervous. I just keep my eyes on Finnick the whole time. I make it to Finnick and the ceremony starts. The minister starts talking. Then we say our vows.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," he says. Finnick leans in to kiss me. It's short and sweet. Everyone stands and starts clapping. I'm finally Mrs. Finnick Odair.

Marvel POV:

Throughout the whole wedding ceremony, my phone kept buzzing. We walk out of the ceremony and go to where they are starting to take pictures. I grab my phone and see I have five missed calls from Mrs. Carner. "Hey, are they just taking pictures off Annie and Finnick now?" I ask Cato. He nods. "I need to call somebody real quick.

(on the phone)

Mrs. C: Hello?

M: Hey, Mrs. Carner

Mrs. C: Oh thank God you call me. I have some news you're probably not gonna like.

M: Ok, what?

Mrs. C: Well, you know how Glimmer was flying out to Finnick and Annie's wedding?

M: Yeah

Mrs. C: Well, Glimmer was on the plane and then it...well, it crashed into the ocean. I'm not sure what happened, but Glimmer's dead

M: What?

Mrs. C: And also, where we your parents this week?

M: My parents were in Paris trying to rekindle their relationship. They were coming back today. Why?

Mrs. C: They were on Glimmer's plane

M: So my parents are dead too?

Mrs. C: I'm so sorry, Marvel. I'll call you later, ok?

(end of conversation)

I put my head in my hands. I feel tears come to my eyes. "Hey, dude, what's the matter?" Cato asks coming over to me.

"Glimmer and my parent's plane crashed," I say. "and all three of them are...are...are dead."

"What?" Cato asks. I start to cry. "Marvel, calm down. We just gotta make through these pictures. Then you can leave."

"I can't wait," I say trying to calm down. "I need to go now. Just cover for me." I run off the beach and get in my car. I drive to the dorms and run to my room. I shut the door and slump down behind the door. I take off my suit jacket and take off my shirt. I look at my arms and see the scars from where I've cut myself. I grab a knife a keep on the table near the door. I start to cut all along my arms. I grab a pen and write a note to Cato. Goodbye, everyone.

Cato POV:

After the wedding, everyone was hanging out while people were cleaning up. "I hate to ruin this night for Finnick and Annie, but I have something really important tell all of you." Everyone turns towards me. "So the real reason while Marvel isn't here is because he got a call from Mrs. Carner and she told him that Glimmer and his parents were all killed in a plane crash." I hear everyone gasp. Clove and Katniss start to cry. "Again really sorry I had to tell everyone now. Marvel would've love to be here, but he just couldn't handle it all. I'm gonna go check on him. Congrats, you two." I say leaving. I hear someone running behind me. I turn around and see Clove. "What's up?"

"Take me home," she says with pleading eyes. I nod. She runs over to me and starts to cry. I pull her into a hug. I whisper soothing things into her ear. "Can we go?" I nod. We walk to my car. We drive back to the dorms. I walk Clove to her room because she is just a wreck. "I don't need you to stay with me," she says in between sobs. "I'll be ok. I'll call you if I need you." I nod and leave. I walk to my room. I see there's a note on my bed. I pick it up and read it.

Dear Cato,

I just want you to know that you are my best friend ever. I really appreciate you for being my friend through the last year and a half. I've just been really depressed since Glimmer left for Paris and my parents divorced. I started cutting. I never told anyone about it. Today I found out my parents and Glimmer died and I just can't handle it. You and Clove are all I have left. I just need to do this. I hate my life and I always have. This has nothing to do with you, Clove, or any of our friends. This is just something I have to do. I'm very sorry.



Oh my God! Marvel's gonna kill himself. "Marvel?" I call worried. "Marvel?' I see the bathroom door is open a crack. I go in there and see Marvel on the floor. I get down to his body and try to feel his pulse. There is none. I grab my phone and call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the 911 lady says.

"My friend...I can't feel his pulse. I found him passed out on the bathroom floor," I say trying not freak out.

"Ok. Where are you currently?" she asks.

"I'm at Panem University," I say.

"Ok, help is on the way," she says. I hang up the phone. I call Clove.

(on the phone)

Cl: I'm fine

C: I'm not

Cl: What's up?

C: Marvel. Come to my dorm room now

Cl: I'm on my way

(end of conversation)

Clove comes into my room. "What's up?"

"Marvel tried to kill himself and I don't know if he's ok or not," I say with my voice shaking.

"I'm sure he's gonna be ok," Clove says crouching down next to me.

Someone knocks on the door. "Come in!" I yell. I see it's people from an ambulance.

"Is that your friend?" the guy asks. I nod. The medics come over. They tell Clove and I to move out of the way. We go stand by the door. Clove starts to cry again. I try not to cry because one of us needs to be strong. "I'm very sorry, but your friend is dead." I just stare blankly. Clove starts to cry harder.

Hey, guys! So I tried to update before I leave. There is a slight chance that I will update while I'm gone but probably not. This chapter was hard for me to right. It's really happy in the beginning, but sad throughout the rest of it. Four people die! I have to go shower and finish packing! Peace out girl scout!


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