Chapter 12

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Johanna POV:

I'm sitting in Gale's hospital room waiting for him to wake up. The doctor said that he thinks Gale's going to be ok. I hope he's right.

I hear Gale stir in his bed. He opens his eyes and looks at me. "Hey," I say.

"Hey," he says. "What happened?"

"You and Cato got in a fight and then you both ended up in the hospital. Does your head hurt?" I say.

"A little, but I think I'm fine. When can I leave?" I shrug.

Someone knocks on the door. "Good, you're a awake. I'm Dr. Snider. So how are feeling? Any aches? Head pain?"

"My head hurts a little and the back of my right knee hurts. That's it," Gale says.

"Good. That's good. Sense your head isn't killing you and you aren't in to much pain, I'm going to let you go. If anything starts to bother you, then come in and I'll check on you. Ok?" Dr. Snider says. Gale nods. "Alright, well you're free to go. It was nice meeting you two." Dr. Snider leaves the room. Gale gets off of the hospital bed and we both leave the room. 

I see Katniss and Peeta still in the waiting room. "Hey," Peeta says getting up. Katniss does the same. "So what did the doctor say?"

"I'm fine," Gale says.

"That's good," Katniss says.

"Katniss, can you drive us back to campus?" I ask.

"Yeah, totally," Katniss says. We all walk out to her car in the rain. I get in the backseat with Gale. "So, Gale, what exactly happened between you and Cato? Who initiated the fight?"

"Well, I started talking to Cato and I'll admit, it wasn't the nicest stuff. Then, I said something that pissed him off, so he, like, smashed me against the wall, then I hit him, he hit me, I tried to hit him,  he hit me, then I blacked out. It's really stupid. I guess now I know that Cato hates me for no reason," Gale says.

"There's something up with Cato and Clove. Sure, they lost their best friends, but I lost basically my whole family and they didn't give a damn about it. So why should I feel bad for them?" I say. Katniss sighs. "What, Katniss?"

"Nothing," Katniss snaps. "I was just breathing. Am I not allowed to do that?"

"No, I just thought you sounded annoyed," I say. I know she's not telling me the truth because she doesn't want to start a fight. We all stay quiet the rest of the way back to campus. We pull up to campus and Gale and I get out of the car. "Are you guys coming?"

"We just wanna get away from the campus for a little while," Katniss says.

"Oh, ok," I say. I start to walk to the building.

"Thank you for the ride," I hear Gale say. Gale catches up to me. "You wanna come back to my room?" I nod. We go to Gale's room and Cato and Clove are outside Cato's room. We all give each other the death stare.

Katniss POV:

"I can't stand her right now," I say. I hear Peeta laugh. "Seriously. She's a bitch. Does she not realize that Cato and Clove are some of our best friends? And I'm so sick of her saying that Cato and Clove--actually anyone for that matter--wasn't there for her when her dad and brothers died. We were all there for her! If anything she wasn't there for us. She was a bitch to you when your mom died."

"I know. Can you please start the car? I'm hungry and I want frozen yogurt," Peeta whines. I look over at him and roll my eyes. "Your cute when your annoyed." I roll my eyes again. "Seriously, start the car." I start the car and drive us to the frozen yogurt place. We walk in and get our yogurt. Peeta just gets vanilla and mainly toppings. I get chocolate and peach. I never get peach. I'm just having a constant craving for peaches. It's gotten so bad, I've started using peach body gel when I take showers. I just need the smell all the time. That sounded really weird. Peeta and I pay for our yogurt and sit down at one of the tables. There are a few other people there too. "You got peach?"

"I know. I've just been having a craving for it," I say. "Stupid pregnancy."

"I kind of wanted to talk to you about that," Peeta says.

"This can't be good," I say.

"Well, I know you're really worried about it all, so I might've figured something out. You know how I want to be a baker or a chef?" Peeta starts. I nod. "Well, when the baby is due is when the school year will be over. I really need to go to culinary school for that and I can do that when I'm older. If I want to go back to college, I'll have one year of credits completed."

"Peeta," I interrupt. "Please get to the point."

Peeta takes a breath. "I'm not going to finish college. At least for now. I'll go to some kind of school when our baby's older. I talked to my dad about this and he said that me helping around the bakery could become a job for me and he'll pay me. Plus, I'd be able to watch our baby. It's not great, but it'll definitely work for now. Maybe if you wanted, you could get a job somewhere after you have the kid."

I take a second to process this. "You're seriously going to do this?" He nods. "Are you sure?" He nods again. "Ok. That definitely makes me feel better. Now that we've talked about that, let's gossip because when it comes down to it we're just two young adults. So you're moving into Cato's dorm?"

"Yeah," he says. "I texted Finnick asking him and he said, 'hell no'." Finnick and Annie are away on their honeymoon in Hawaii. "We all know Gale wouldn't move in with him. Plus, I honestly really like Cato. Sure he can be a dick at sometimes, but he'll also stand up for you. He even got over the fact I slept with his girlfriend." That's really true. Cato and I both got over that, but I guess Gale won't get over Cato and Johanna. But he's dating Johanna again. When Johanna and Cato hooked up, I think that sent Clove over the edge. Geez, we're a messed up group of people. The only people that have never cheated are Finnick, Annie, and me. Well, and Glimmer, but you know she'll never have the chance to. "I'm actually kinda excited I won't have to share a room with two other people."

"That's true. I'm kind of worried about our group," I say. Peeta looks at me confused. "I think the fight between Cato and Gale really show were people stand. There's really no way to fix Cato and Gale's friendship anytime soon. There's no hope for Johanna and Clove either. I think people are going to want us to pick sides. I don't want to pick sides though. I love all of our friends."

"I know. It sucks, but I don't think our friends would be so selfish to put petty issues over there friendships," Peeta says.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that their issues are petty, but I know what you mean. Now to change the subject. Guess what?" I say.

"What?" Peeta says.

"You don't know anything I'm about to tell you, ok?" I start. Peeta nods. "Clove might be pregnant."

"Are you serious?" Peeta asks shocked. I nod. "Is it Cato's?" I nod again. "Tell me more in the car."

Hey, guys! So long time no read, huh? Today I got my haircut and now I have side bangs. I really  hope I can get used to them. In this chapter y'all find out that Gale's fine. Also there's some Everlark news. Yeah, there's some drama in the chapters to come, so look for that. If you guys have any ideas comment them or private message them to me. Thanks for reading!


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