Chapter 2

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 Johanna POV:

This is so awkward! Clove and I pretty much despise the presence of one another. She finishes packing and sits on her bed. It's even more awkward because I hooked up with her boyfriend last year. If she ever finds out...I don't even want to think about that.

My mom thought it would be a great idea for me to write down events in my life so I don't forget my college life. My mom talked to Clove's dad I guess. I grab my journal and start writing.

(Journal Entry)

September 1st, 2015

I moved into my dorm today. My roommate's Clove. It's soooooo awkward! I slept with Cato last January. I really hope Clove and Gale never find out. We were so drunk, but I guess that doesn't really matter. I feel like a complete bitch. I've never liked Clove, but I've been lying to her for the last 9 months and it's been hard. I'm just glad I didn't get pregnant. I'm gonna go now because this journal is lame!


"Is your mom making you write in a journal too?" Clove asks looking up from her phone.

"Yeah," I say. "Do you think it's stupid too?"

"At first, but when I go back and read my entries I know how I felt so if anything like that happens to my future children, I'll know what to do," she says.

"True," I say. "You swear you'll never read this right?"

"As long as you do the same for me," she says.

"Deal," I say.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to a week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gale POV:

I knock on Johanna and Clove's door.

"It's open!" Clove yells. I come and see no sign of Johanna.

"Where's Jo?" I ask.

"She went to get us dinner. You can wait here if you want," she says not looking away from the TV. Some girls and their Netflix. I sit down on her bed. There's a notebook laying their.

"Can I read this?" I ask Clove.

"Read at your own risk. There's nothing stopping you, but you might have a short life," she says. I open her journal and find the most recent entry. It's dated 'September 1st, 2015'. I read it. Holy shit! Johanna and Cato hooked up in January?!

"Clove," I say trying to get her attention. She doesn't notice. "Clove Sevina, stop watching Pretty Little Liars and get you ass over here," I say louder.

"It's Degrassi, and what's your problem?" she asks getting off of her bed. She sits down next to me. I let her read the entry. "What the hell?!"

"Who wants pizza?" Johanna asks opening the door. "Hey, Gale. Whatcha doing he--are you guys reading my journal?!" She throws the pizza on her desk and runs over to us. She snatches the book and throws it on her desk too. "You swore you wouldn't read it!"

"Gale read it first and showed me it, slut! You feel bad about sleeping with Cato?! You should! I can't even believe you!" Clove runs out of the room and I assume goes and finds Cato.

Cato POV:

Marvel and I are in our room watching The Walking Dead until someone starts pounding on the door. I look over at Marvel, he sighs, and goes to answer the door. It's Clove. She pushes pass Marvel and stomps over me.

"Hey, babe," I say leaning in to kiss her. She moves out of the way. "What's the matter?" She slaps my across the face. "What the hell?!"

"You're a dick!" she yells. I see Marvel just staring at us. Clove notices my gaze and she looks at him. "You can leave now." Marvel nods and walks away. "I can't believe you!"

"What did I do?" I ask honestly confused.

"You slept with Johanna!" she says.

"Wait, how the hell do you find that out?" I ask.

She looks taken aback. "You're not gonna deny it? You're just gonna ask where I found that out?"

"I'm not denying it because it's true, Clove. I'm so sorry. We were so drunk and it meant nothing," I say trying to get her to understand.

"Well," she says. "Well, I lost my virginity to Peeta last year at Glimmer's Halloween party! So suck it!"

"You lied about being a virgin?!" I ask completely enraged. "That makes you ten times worse than me!" She smirks and walks out of my room.

Johanna POV:

"I can't believe you!" Gale yells.

"I was so drunk I could barely see," I say.

"But you could still have sex with Cato?" Gale asks.

"I'm so sorry. I swear I won't do anything like that again," I say.

"Let me just think for a little while," Gale says.

"Yeah, of course," I say. Gale leaves. Oh God. I don't want to deal with Clove now.

Clove POV:

I'm sitting outside of my room in the hallway because I don't want to talk to Johanna. I can't believe that I told Cato about me and Peeta. I feel horrible.

"Are you ok?" I hear someone asks. I look up and it's Cashmere. I shrug my shoulders. "You're Peeta's friend, Clove, right?" I nod. "Do you wanna talk?" I nod. "C'mon. We can go to my dorm room." She helps me up and we walk down to her room. We walk in and there's no one else there. "So what's up?"

"So I found out my boyfriend cheated on me again with my roommate and I told him I lied to him about being a virgin and told him I hooked up with Peeta," I say.

"Did you hook up with Peeta?" she asks. I nod.

"Now me and Cato broke up, I probably just ruined one of my best friend's relationships, and I probably lost three or four friends," I say about to cry.

"Honey, I've been through a very similar experience. Well...not exactly, but I've been in relationships that tore up friendships because someone cheated on someone else," Cashmere says. "Just give it some time and then go talk to whoever you need to, to fix things with."

"Ok," I say getting up. "I should probably go talk to my roommate now."

"Ok. If you ever need to talk or anything, just stop by," she says. I nod and leave.

Katniss POV:

I got a text from Cato saying Peeta and Clove hooked up.

I knock on Peeta's door. He answers.

"Hey, Katniss. You look upset. What's the matter?" he asks concerned.

"Did you sleep with Clove?" I ask with tears in my eyes. He just nods. "When?"

"At Glim's Halloween Party last year. We were both drunk. She asked me, I knew it was wrong, but still agreed. I'm so sorry, Katniss. I completely understand if you want to break up or kill me or whatever," Peeta says. That's one good things about Peeta. He's gonna tell me the truth if I ask.

"We need to break up," I say crying.

"I understand," he says with his voice shaking. I leave his room.

Hey, guys! So this is a depressing chapter. Three couples break up and now some roommates hate each other. Woohoo! And there is even more drama yet to come. So yeah.

QOTD: Who is your favorite PLL character?

AOTD: Aria, Mike, and Mona

So I have another question...what is Antman about? I just don't understand the need for it. If anyone can explain it, that would be great. Thanks. Imma see who wins veto on Big Brother.


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