Chapter 11

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Peeta POV:

I hear weird noises coming from the hallway. I open the door and see Gale on the floor unconscious. I also see Cato standing over Gale. "What the hell happened?" I ask going to see if Gale was alive. We don't need three of my best friends dead. I see he's still breathing.
"I was going into my room when Gale stopped to talk to me. He started telling me that I was a loser who had no one who cared about me and I stole people for everyone. Then he went on telling me that Clove doesn't love me and never did, so I got mad and slammed him against the wall." I look and see a poster for our school was ripped. "Then, he punched me so I fought back. I didn't mean to knock him out, but it's his fault." Cato starts holding his shoulder. "I rammed into him with my bad shoulder. Now it doesn't feel right." I look at his shoulder and it doesn't look right.
"I think you dislocated it again. You should probably go to the hospital. We need to take Gale too. I'll drive. Is there anyway for you to help me with him?" I say. Cato shakes his head. "I call Finnick."
"Don't," Cato says. I open my mouth to protest, but he talks first. "He'll yell at me. He doesn't like me very much."
"Well, I can't carry Gale by myself. He's taller and weighs more than me. Who do we call?" I say.
"911, smart one," Cato says. He grabs his phone. He hangs up after some time. "They're on their way." We wait there and the medics come. They carry Gale and we get in the ambulance. We ride to the hospital and they take Gale away from us. The escort me and Cato into another room.we wait for the doctor.
"Welcome back, Mr. Hadley," the doctor says. "Hello, I'm Dr. Snider." He extends his hand towards me and I shake it. "So your dislocated your shoulder again. How'd you do it?"
"I got a fight with my friend," Cato mumbles looking down.
"You know I told you to stay away from physical exercise. I just let you go back to your classes. When you were fighting, did you get hit in the head?" Dr. Snider says.
"In the nose, but towards the top of it," Cato says touching where he got hit.
"Ok, I want to check your head again just to be safe. But first, let me pop your shoulder back in. Would you like to have something to hold onto?" Dr. Snider says. Cato nods. "What is that?" He looks over to me. I sigh and walk over to him. He grabs my hand. "On three. 1...2...3!" The doctor pops his shoulder back in. When he does, Cato squeezes my hand so hard that when I pull my hand away it's really red. "Ok, Cato come with me. We're gonna go check out your head. Your friend can wait here."
"I have to call some people to let them know that Cato and Gale are here. I'll talk to you later," I say. I walk out of the room and go to the waiting area. I call Katniss.

(On the phone)
K: Hey, baby.
P: Hey, so I need you to do me a favor.
K: What?
P: I need you to tell Clove and Johanna that Cato and Gale are in the hospital. (Katniss gasps) the got in a fight. Cato had to get his shoulder popped back in and might have hurt his head. Gale is unconscious. They might want to get down here.
K: I'll go tell them now. I'll be down there in a few minutes.
P: Ok. I'm in the waiting area. Bye
K: Bye
(End of conversation)

I sit down and wait for them.

Clove POV:

I'm in the car with Katniss and Johanna. I'm stuck in the back because Johanna wing the bitch she is made me sit in the back. Katniss didn't stop her. I guess Katniss is a little scared of Johanna too. We pull up to the hospital and go in. We see Peeta sitting there. "Hey, baby," Katniss says going over to him.
"Hey, sweetheart," Peeta says standing up the hug. He looks over at Johanna. "Gale's in room 256." Johanna runs to the elevator. He looks at me. "Cato's getting his head checked, so you either wait in his room or wait here." I take a seat next to met to where Peeta was sitting. Peeta sits in his original spot and Katniss sits on his lap. "So how was the ride over here with Johanna, Clove."
"The bitch made me sit in the back," I say. Peeta laughs.
"Sorry, I just didn't feel like arguing with her. You know I would've wanted you to sit up there," Katniss says. "So what exactly happened in the fight?"
"Well, Gale was talking to Cato--he was saying the nicest things-, Cato got pissed and rammed Gale against the wall, Gale punched Cato, they got in a fight, Cato ended up with a dislocated shoulder and hurting head, and Gale was unconscious.," Peeta explains. We sit and talk about random things. A few minutes later, Cato comes in. He goes over to someone. It's his dad. He and his dad seem to not be getting along. Well, that's not new. Mr. Hadley gets in Cato's face and Cato pushes his dad away. Mr. Hadley goes back and Cato. I see Peeta get up and go over to them.
"Thank God Peeta stepped in," I say to Katniss. "That could've ended really badly if he hadn't.
"I know," Katniss says. Peeta and Cato come over to us. Mr. Hadley goes over to the person at the desk.
"Hey, babe," I say standing up. I lean in to kiss him. He moves out of the way. "What's the matter?" He grabs my hand and pulls me over to where there are no people.
"My dad is being a jerk," he says. "When is he not though? He's just pissed he's gotta spend some money on me. He almost lost in front of everyone. I just hate him so much!" Cato punches the wall.  It makes a loud noise and everyone turns toward us. Cato doesn't turn around to see everyone.
"C'mon," I say. I take Cato outside. "I know you're mad, but you can't punch someone else's wall. What did he say to you?"
"That if I end up in the hospital one more time this year, he's gonna cut me off," he says. Rich kid problems. I'm definitely not poor, but I certainly don't have as much money as Cato's family. "He probably won't even let me come home over breaks either. He can't wait till I have to pay for everything because he can finally go back to Japan. I know he'd bring Cali along, but not me."
"Hey!" I hear someone call. "Get your ass over here!" I turn and see it's Mr. Hadley. Cato walks over to him. They start yelling. Mr. Hadley slaps Cato. Cato raises his fist and then lowers his arm. He walks over to me.
"Let's go," he grumbles grabbing my arm. He starts walking away dragging me behind.
"It's a long walk back, Cato," I say. "Can't we get a ride back from Katniss or your..." I trail off at the end not wanting to finish.
"My dad? God, Gale's right, you are an idiot," he says.
"Excuse me?" I say annoyed. "You think I'm an idiot? And so does Gale?"
"He said you were stupid to still be with me," Cato says not looking at me. "You know what I say means nothing right now. I'm just so mad. You're not an idiot according to me, but apparently everyone thinks you are because you keep coming back to me."
I cup his face in both of my hands. "I'm not an idiot for getting back together with you. Trust me if I wasn't in love with you, I wouldn't be here right now. I love you so much I'm being cliche with you. Lighting cracks across the sky. Then it starts to rain. "Since we're already being cliche." I grab his face and pull it towards mine. We are kissing in the rain.

Hey, guys! I wrote two chapters today! Go me! It's cause I'm on the plane currently. Not when this is uploaded though. So yeah. In this chapter it's more centered around clato, but the next one will be Jale. You'll get to see if Gale's ok.
QOTD: If you could meet one celebrity who would it be?
AOTD: Demi Lovato
So yeah. So Imma go read my book for school. Peace out Girl Scout!

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