Chapter 15

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Peeta POV:

I'm sitting in my room waiting for Cato to finish getting ready. This horror movie came out yesterday and he's making me go see it with him while Katniss and Clove go shopping. Honestly, I'd rather be shopping. I do not like horror movies. My phone beeps and I get a text from Gale.

(text conversation)

G: Hey

P: Hey

G: Wanna hang out with me & Finn today?

P: Can't going 2 movies w/Cato

G: Of course u r

P: What's that supposed 2 mean?

G: U've just been spending sooooooo much time w/him. I thought I was ur best friend

P: U r my best friend

G: Y r u picking Cato over me & Finn?

P: Bc Cato asked me 1st. Y r u so mad?

G: Bc u know I don't like him

P: I'm allowed 2 b friends w/ other people

G: Ik, but still. U & Kat really need to pick between clato and every1 else

P: Y can't we all just get along? Kat & Cato got over me & Clove. Y can't u guys get over it?

G: Clove never got over Jo and Cato

P: She did, she just never got over how mean Jo was to her and Glim

G: Jo never got over how mean Clove and Glim were to her

P: Whatever Gale. I'm allowed to hang out w/whoever I want

G: Ur gonna have 2 pick sooner or later

P: I pick later

G: U better pick me

(end of conversation)

"You ready to go?" Cato asks. I nod.

"Random question, but would you ever make me pick between you and Clove and everyone else in our friend group?" I ask.

"No, of course not. You're allowed to be friends with whoever you want," Cato says. "Why do you ask?"

"Gale's being an ass," I say. "He's mad I'm hanging out with you. He's mad I'm your roommate now."

"Trust me. I wouldn't want to take you from Gale, it's just you're the only guy who still wants to be my friend," he says. Sense no one but Clove, Katniss, and I ever see the softer side of Cato, so no one believes us when we say Cato's not such a horrible person. "If you wanna go hang out with Gale you can."

"No, I wanna go to the movies with you. You're probably more fun than Gale," I say grabbing my jacket. Cato and I walk out to his car.

"During the movie, if you get scared, you can hold onto me like a little girl," Cato says.

"Will do. It's nice knowing I can do that sense when I watch these with Katniss, she's the one holding onto me," I say.

"That's what friends are for," Cato says. We get to the movie and start watching it. Throughout the movie I do have to grab Cato's arm or else I'll scream. I don't wanna look like a total wimp. Once it's over, we walk out of the movie. "That was so cute."

"What?!" I ask confused. "You thought that movie was cute?! You're crazy!"

"No, I thought it was cute how you actually acted like a little girl. Even Katniss doesn't do that," Cato says.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm a little girl. I know, I know," I say rolling my eyes. "It was scary though."

"Keep telling yourself that," Cato says.

"Shut up," I say hitting him in the arm. "So is Clove pregnant?"

"No. How'd you hear about that?" Cato asks getting in his car.

"Clove told Katniss after you two hooked up," I say.

"Oh," he says.

"You finally got to sleep with her," I say.

"Yeah," he says. "It was great."

"No more detail?" I ask smiling.

"Stop being such a girl," he says. "And no more detail. Clove would be pissed. I think you and Katniss are the only two that know about it anyways."

"No, I bet she told her bestie, Johanna, and her roommate, Delly," I say sarcastically. Cato rolls his eyes. We pull into the parking lot and go into our dorm room. A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door. I go to answer it and see it's Katniss and Clove. "Hey." They both walk into the room. Katniss sits on my bed and Clove goes and sits on Cato's lap. "How was the mall?"

"Good. How was the movie?" Katniss asks.

"Good, except for the fact that Peeta's like a little girl and almost scream the whole time," Cato says.

"I guess you're rubbing off on him, Katniss."

"Aw, did somebody get scared?" Katniss says leaning over to me.

"I don't like movies where things jump out of places," I say.

"Aw, it's ok," Katniss says hugging me. Her phone goes off and she sighs. "It's Johanna again."

"What's up with Johanna?" Cato asks.

"She mad at me because she think I blew Annie off. I didn't though. I already made plans with Clove. Plus, Annie's been kinda ignoring me ever since she and Finnick came back from their honeymoon," Katniss says.

"Gale's mad at me too because I'm spending time with Cato and Clove," I say.

"What is up with them?" Clove asks. "They're crazy. They attack both of us and then they blame us. Like, what the f**k?"

"I don't know. I'm just gonna ignore them for a little while," Katniss says.

"Same," I say.

"You guys do know we can hear you over here, right!" I hear Finnick yell through the wall. Oh shit!

"Good!" Cato yells back.

"I haven't been ignoring you, Katniss! You've been ignoring me!" Annie yells.

"Not true!" Katniss yells.

"True!" Annie yells.

Katniss is about start saying something when I cover her mouth. "Stop," I whisper. "Don't let them know it bothers anymore than they already know it does."

Hey, guys! So here's another chapter. You guys get to see Cato and Peeta's friendship start to really form. Plus there's a divide forming in the group. Comment any ideas you've got for this story. So yeah. Well, imma go do the millions of math pages I've got for hw. Peace out girl scout!


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