Chapter 14

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Clove POV:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to a week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and go to the bathroom expecting my period, but nothing. I've been waiting for it for about a week. I'm officially late. Oh my God! I'm pregnant. I almost have to be. I don't have anytime to go and buy a pregnancy test today though. I can't stand it. I've been so paranoid about this I'm been making myself feel sick. I hear a knock at my door. I go out of the bathroom and see Delly's gone. I open the door and see it's Cato. "Morning," he says walking into my room. He looks me up and down and I remember I'm still in my pajamas. "Don't you have class in a half an hour?"

"Oh yeah," I say. I go over to my closet and grab a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt I got from Disneyland. I go into the bathroom and change. I pull my hair back into a ponytail. I sit down on my bed depressed.

"Are you ok?" Cato asks sitting down next to me. I shake my head looking down. "What's wrong?" I look at Cato with tears in my eyes. God damn it! Why am I always crying?! "Don't cry." I start to feel nauseas. I run into my bathroom and throw up. Cato comes into the bathroom and rubs my back soothingly. I turn around and he hands me a towel. I wipe my mouth and throw away the towel. "Are you sick?" I shake my head. "What's wrong then?'

"I think I might be pregnant," I say. Cato looks at me shocked. "I'm a week late on my period and i just throw up for the second time this week."

"Take a test," Cato says. "If you're not sure. Take a test."

"I've gotta go to class first," I say.

"I'll meet you after class and then I'll drive you to CVS, ok?" he says. I agree to that and we both walk to class. I sit in Psychology trying to pay attention, but my mind keeps wandering. The professor dismisses us and I run out of the room and find Cato sitting on a bench. "You ready to go?" I nod and we go to his car. I go in and buy a pregnancy test. I feel so uncomfortable. I run out of the store and to Cato's car. He drives us back to campus. "Would you rather do it in my room or yours? If you do it in yours, Delly might be there. If you do it in mine, Peeta might be there." I decide on his room and we go to his room. I go into his bathroom and take a test. I wait a few minutes and breathe a sigh of relief. I walk out of the bathroom and show Cato. "That's such good news."

"Why do you think I was late on my period and also feeling sick?" I ask throwing away my pregnancy test.

"Sometimes your period can be late and you probably made yourself sick. I make myself feel sick all the time," Cato says.  "If you were pregnant, Johanna would be the kid's aunt."

"I don't even want to think about that," I say laughing. "So what do you want to do?"

"Let's watch Netflix and chill," Cato says.

"Only if we actually watch Netflix and actually chill. I'm not having sex now with that little scare," I say.

"Deal. We're watching Friends," Cato says.

Hey, guys. Sorry this chapter was so short. I'm sorta having writer's block for this story. I don't know what to do. I'll try to write another chapter tonight. So yeah, Clato's not pregnant. Imma try to write another chapter. Peace out girl scout!


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