Chapter 20

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Katniss POV:

I'm sitting on Peeta's bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. We have a week of from school this week. It's really quiet with all of our friends away this week. Peeta walks out of the shower with a towel around his waist. He sees me and looks surprised. "Jesus, I forgot you were here!"

"That makes me feel great," I say sarcastically. "Oh and by the way, you should really try out for X Factor because you're a great singer."

"Shut up," Peeta says tossing a pillow at me while laughing. "Are you spending the night?"

"Do you mind if I do?" I ask. I really don't wanna go home because my mom will just keep asking me questions about my pregnancy and it's gotten really annoying. Peeta shakes his head. "Good. Because I was gonna stay anyways." Peeta rolls his eyes. He grabs a pair of sweatpants and goes back into his bathroom. He comes back out in his sweatpants. He lays down on his bed next to me. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me down next to him. "What are we gonna do all week sense it is just you and me?"

"I don't know. I was about to say I'm probably gonna go hang out with Gale or Cato, but I can't," Peeta says. "We can do couple things."

"Not really. Did you forget about our baby?" I say motioning to my stomach.

"How could I ever forget about Jackson or Lana," Peeta says.

"There is no way we're naming this baby Jackson or Lana," I say. "Lana Mellark or Jackson Mellark don't sound very good."

"So are having the baby's last name be Mellark?" Peeta asks smiling. I nod. "I like that. Do you like the name Katniss Mellark?" What?! I don't know how to respond to that. I guess Peeta reads my confused facial expression. "Would you like the name Katniss Mellark better than Katniss Everdeen?"

"It'd take some time to get used to, but other than that it's great. Why?" I say.

"Because," Peeta says getting off his bed and grabbing something of his desk, "Katniss Everdeen, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I say excitedly. He slips the ring onto my finger. I pull him into a kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," he says. Peeta lays back down on his bed and so do I. "So things are going pretty great in the states right now; how do you think things are going in Australia?"

"I don't know," I say. "They're probably having a great time going to the beach and seeing koalas."

Johanna POV:

"I can't believe you!" Finnick cries. Clove gets up and leaves the room slamming the door behind her.

"Clove," Cato calls running after her.

"Annie, how could you do this?!" Finnick asks through tears. Let me catch y'all up. So we all came back to the hotel room after our days with our buddies. We came back here to debrief and Annie told all of us she and Cato slept together earlier today. Now clato and fannie are both gonna start fighting.

I grab Gale's hand and whisper, "Let's go get ice cream or something."

"I agree," Gale says. We both practically run out of the room.

Finnick POV:

"Finnick, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just kissed him and then we had sex," Annie says crying.

"You act like you did nothing wrong," I say.

"No I don't, Finnick! I feel horrible about this. That's why I told you! At least I didn't keep it from you!" she says. At least she's got a point. But she cheated on me.

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