Chapter 10

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Katniss POV:

I walk into my psychology class and sit in my usual seat. Clove comes in shortly after and sits next to me. I see she has a red mark on her neck. Oh my God! I think it's a hickey. "Clove, I think you have something on your neck," I whisper. She grabs the mirror out of her bag.
"Shit," she says under her breath. She puts her hand on her neck to hide it, which doesn't really work.
"Who the hell gave you that?" I ask.
"No one," she says.
"Really?" I ask unconvinced. She starts to put makeup over it. "You sucked on your own neck?" She doesn't answer me. "Clove, seriously tell me. It's not like I'm gonna care."
"If you're not gonna care, then why do you need to know?" she questions sounding annoyed.
"Because nothing interesting is happening in my life right now," I say.
"Hello? Baby," Clove says gesturing to my stomach.
"Well besides that," I say. She mumbles something but I can't understand her. "What?"
"It was Cato," she says embarrassed.
"Oooooooo, I thought I heard something along the lines off that. So what was his problem? Then what happened between you two?" I say intrigued.
"Well," she starts. "He was just upset from the whole funeral situation and he just needed to just cry. Then I went to go comfort him and he kissed me. Then sex."
"You had sex with him?!" I say louder than I intended it to be. Everyone in the room stares at us.
"Yes," Clove blushes.
"I don't wanna go all mom on you, but please tell me you used protection," I say concerned. Our doesn't need to pregnant girls.
"I hope he did," she says.
I look at her shocked. "You "hope he did"? You don't know?"
She looks at me worried. "It was an impulse decision. We just did it. Unless he had a condom on all day, then we didn't use protection. Oh shit! I don't wanna be pregnant at 19." I clear my throat. "No offense. But I'm not even sure I'm with Cato right now. When can I take a pregnancy test?"
"Six days at the earliest," I say.
"Oh God," she says. " I can't wait that long. Can I go to a doctor now?" I shake my head. "I have to go. Cover for me, please. I have to go talk to Cato." She grabs her bag and gets up to leave. I grab her wrist. "What?"
"Don't. You'll freak him out. Don't worry him right now. You might not even be pregnant," I say. "Plus you can't leave class, Clove. Especially because you're majoring it in." She sits back down. "Just calm down. In six days, you'll take a test. I'll be there with you too. You cannot tell Cato about this, ok?"
"And if he brings it up?" She challenges.
"He won't. No offense, but Cato's an idiot. He wouldn't even think of that. And you don't have to worry about him leaving you. He didn't leave Delly during that whole situation," I say trying to reassure her. She seems to have relaxed a little. "I'm sure your gonna be ok." I hope she is.

Gale POV:

I walk out of my Math class and go back to my dorm room. I open the door and see Peeta packing his stuff. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask confused.
"Cato needs a roommate and the person who runs the dorms asked one of us to move in. We knew you wouldn't do and Finnick didn't want to, so I volunteered," Peeta explains. Now I'm losing my best friend to Cato.
"Oh cool," I say. "I'm gonna go meet Johanna for lunch. See you later." I walk out of the room and see Cato going into his. "Hey, I need to talk to you."
Cato turns around. "You finally starting to talk to me? You're a great friend, Gale. You're only my friend when you feel pity for me. When I had no one, but Marvel. Then your girlfriend and I were so wasted we could barely see and hooked up you stop talking to me. Then you forgive the girl who cheated on you and has had a history of cheating, but not someone's who's been there for you. Now my best friends are gone and I only have Clove you start talking to me because I basically have no one. How ironic, huh?"
"Don't get smart with me. I'm so f**king pissed at you right now. First, you give me a bad reputation last year, then you sleep with my girlfriend, and now you're stealing my best friend," I say completely annoyed. "Are you kidding me? Stop taking everyone from everyone else. It's you're fault that everyone you care about leaves you."
"You're seriously gonna stand there and tell me that it's my fault that my best friend's plane crashed and my other best friend killed himself. Are you kidding me?" Cato says stepping closer to me.
"You were saying yourself yesterday that it was all your fault Marvel killed himself. How you were so selfish? You know what, you are probably the most selfish person I know. Well, that's still alive. Glimmer hands down was. She was so selfish she got up and left Clove seven months earlier than she should. And now look were that got her. She's dead," I say. I don't care how mean it sounds someone needs to put Cato in his place.
"Don't say that," Cato growls. "You always say that I'm a huge jerk, well guess what, dickhead, you're worse than me because I would never sink so low that I was gonna insult someone because they're best friends are both there. I'm the first one to admit that i hate sappy things, but if you'd lost Finnick and Annie, I can guarantee you that I would be sympathetic towards you."
I step closer towards him. "Well, Cato, even though I stopped talking to you, you never stopped lying. Which isn't surprising because ever word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. And poor Clove's too blind to see it. You always end up hurting her in the end. Physically or mentally, well that part's up to you. You know she's only into you for the way you look. No one could actually love you. That's why she wouldn't have sex with you; because she didn't want to lose her virginity to someone she doesn't love. She didn't love you then, doesn't love you now, and she will never will."
He grabs my shoulders and slams me up against the wall. Even though I'm taller, he's stronger. "You know nothing! Clove loves me and I love her. You're just jealous that Clove and I have a way more trusting relationship. I don't have to keep her from seeing her friends because I'm scared. You have to be on alert at all times or else Johanna will find someone hotter and sleep with them. Why do you think she slept with me? Because I'm way better than you." I try to push him off of me, but I can't. "Really? You're seriously gonna try to fight me? If your smart you won't." I make a fist and punch him in the nose. He stumbles back and I come at him. He Rams his shoulder into my stomach. I fall back out of breath. I see him holding his shoulder in pain. I take this as my opportunity to hit him. I go to grab his shoulders, but he kicks me in the knee. I fall to the ground. He comes over to me. He raises a fist and punches me in the head. I black out.

Hey, guys! So here's another chapter. So I'm trying to write a lot now that I'm on the plane back him, so I can just update whenever. In this chapter there are a few things that happen. Is Clove pregnant? Gale and Cato get into a fight. Is Gale gonna be ok?
QOTD: Do you guys watch Teen Wolf? If so who's your favorite character(s)?
AOTD: Yes!!!! (I'm currently on season 2) My favorites are Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and Derek

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