Chapter 5

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Johanna POV:

I wake up and Clove still hasn't come back from where ever she was with Marvel. She's been gone sense yesterday afternoon. I turn on The Walking Dead until someone opens the door. I turn and see it's Clove.

"Where the hell were you?" I ask kinda annoyed. She could've at least told me she was gonna be out forever.

"Why do you care, Mom?" Clove asks also sounding annoyed.

"Because I was a little worried when you didn't come back all night," I say.

"I don't need to tell you where I am every second I'm out," Clove says.

"Just why can't you tell me why you were out last night? Did you do something with Marvel?" I ask regretting the words because I have an idea what's gonna happen next.

"Of course not! I'm not like you! I don't have to sleep with one of my best friend's boyfriends! You're just a two faced bitch!" Clove yells.

"Don't be a hypocrite! You slept with Peeta! Hell, you lost your f**king virginity to him! You're just as bad as me!" I yell back. I'm so sick of Clove making me feel bad for sleeping with Cato.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" she screams. "I f**king hate you, Johanna! You know I fully regret losing my virginity to Peeta! I apologized countless times to Katniss, but you never apologized! That's why we aren't the same. You are way worse than me, slut! You've made two guys--well two guys I know of--cheat on their girlfriends! And you told us before you cheated on someone else before!" I can't take it. I pounce on Clove and start punching her. The door to our room opens and I'm lifted off of Clove. I see that it's Marvel.

"What the hell were you two doing?" he asks. I look over at Clove and her lip is bleeding and she has her hand over her eye. "Are you ok?" Marvel asks directing his attention towards Clove.

"Of course you ask her if she's ok. She always plays the victim role. News flash, Clove, you're not always the victim!" I say.

"Well, in this case she is. I had to pull you off of her and she's the one with the injuries," Marvel says helping Clove up. "Why don't you come to my room and I'll clean you up?" Clove nods.

"Don't do anything inappropriate," I say under my breath. Clove turns around and comes at me, but Marvel stops her before she reaches me. He carries her out of the room.

Cato POV:

I lay in my hospital bed waiting for my mom to come back with some food. The door opens and it's my dad.

"Cato, we need to talk," my dad says. Oh God, this can't be good. "So as soon as your ready to play football again you're getting back on that field. There's no other way for you stay in college. You're there on a scholarship which you may lose, if you don't heal properly. I don't know how you could be such an idiot to be tackled so badly that you end up the hospital. Or maybe it's just you're a wimp who can't take a tackle."

"The doctor says I might a have a serious injury, and you think it's my fault? It's not like I purposely got tackled. How can I be a wimp if I'm playing one of the most contact sports out there. Why can't you just say, "Son, you did fine," or "Are you okay?" or even "I'm proud of you."? I can't stand you! It's your fault I'm here! You've made me so worried about football that I know have a panic attack after every game I lose because I'm scared of what you're gonna do to me. And the worse part is, I can't even tell anyone about it," I say.

"Well, Cato. I don't care," my dad says. "You just need to heal fast and pray there is nothing wrong with your spine. If you lose this scholarship, you are gonna wish that you died on that field." The door opens and my mom and Cali walk in. "There you guys are. Cato was just saying how hungry he was." My mom hands me some cereal she got in the cafeteria.

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