Chapter 22

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to after Australia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gale POV:

This was literally the most awkward and depressing vacation I've ever been on. The whole time after Annie left, Finnick just sat in our room crying and depressed. It's funny because he and Clove like completely switched personalities because he was all depressed and she was all happy. One good thing that came out of this trip. Cato, Clove, Johanna, and I were are forced to spend time together and we actually got along. Clove and Johanna chose to spend time together and they had fun. I never thought that was gonna happen. Ever.

Our plane landed a little while ago, so now we're all in Cato's car, minus Finnick. He's still super upset and just wants to be alone still. We all feel bad for him, but he's kinda getting on all of our nerves. We all decided that we wanted to go see Peeta and Katniss because we all missed them. We get there and we all get out. Clove's the first one to the door and she rings the doorbell. Katniss is the one to answer and she wraps her arms around Clove. Peeta jogs to the door and everyone starts hugging everyone.

We all come inside and sit down in Peeta's living room. "So tell us all about the trip!" Katniss says excitedly. We all tell her everything that we did while we were in Australia.

"What'd you guys do the whole time we were here?" Cato asks.

"You two didn't get married right?" Johanna asks jokingly.

"Not yet," Peeta says.

"Yet?!" Clove and Johanna ask sounding interested. Katniss lifts up her left hand and shows us her engagement ring. "Aw! How'd you propose?" Katniss explains how it happen. "Aw!" Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Katniss gets up to answer it. She comes back in the room with a nervous expression on her face. She takes her place on Peeta's lap again. Then, Finnick and Annie both enter the room. I understand now why Katniss looked nervous. There's no telling what's gonna happen.

"Hey, guys," I say trying to make this not as awkward as possible. "How are you guys?" They both just shrug.

"Ok, there's a huge elephant in the room and I'm just gonna start by bringing it up," Johanna says. I love Johanna to death, but sometimes I just wanna smack her. That probably sounds really bad, but you probably know what I mean. "You two need to talk about what happened. Cato and Clove got over it; you two can too. You guys are Finnick and Annie. You've been together since the ninth grade. Just talk it out and fix yourselves. It's not fun when Finnick's moping around and Annie just leaves the group to avoid Finnick. You two are married. It's not like you can just break up. It's a whole process to get a divorce."

"It takes six months," Cato chimes in. Everyone looks at Cato confused. Out of all the things he knows, this is one of them. "My parents are considering getting one." The room goes silent with awkwardness.

"Back to what Johanna said," Katniss says. "You two should go talk in Peeta's room alone. Rye's not here, so you two can completely be alone and no one will listen to you guys." Knowing my friends, that's not true. We'll all just stand outside the door and eavesdrop on them. Finnick and Annie both agree to that and go upstairs. Peeta, Katniss, Cato, Clove, Johanna, and I all try to go upstairs without making any noise. We are successful. Katniss, Johanna, and Clove all press against the door. Since, Cato and I are taller than everyone else, we can too. Poor Peeta; Cato has to tell him everything because there's no space for him.

Annie POV:

"Ok," Finnick says closing Peeta's door. "Let's talk. Why'd you do it?"

"I don't know, Finnick. I just had this urge to kiss him, so I did," I say. That's honestly the truth. I'm not going to lie to Finnick at all in this situation or ever. "I'm truly sorry and I will never ever do anything even remotely close to that again ever."

"I know, Annie. I just can't believe you would ever cheat on me," Finnick says with his voice shaking. "Part of me believes that it didn't even happen even though I know it did."

"What do you want to do?" I ask with my voice shaking now afraid of what he's going to say.

"I love you way too much to ever leave you, but I'm scared of getting hurt again," Finnick says.

"I swear on my life that I will never ever ever cheat on you again," I say. "I love you too and you know that."

"Ok, so are we going to get through this?" Finnick asks.

"I think we can. It might take some time, but we will get through this," I say. Finnick comes over and hugs me. It feels so good being in his arms again. It feels like it was an eternity ago when I last was. I open the door and Clove, and Johanna both fall on the floor. Cato and Gale both stumble and almost fall on the girls. I assume Peeta pulled Katniss back so she wouldn't fall. "No one would listen to us, huh?" They all smile apologetically. "Whatever, it's ok. We're ok." Finnick kisses the top of my head. This is a good start for us.

Hey, guys! Guess who just saw Mockingjay?! It was really good and really sad. I'm so proud of myself because I didn't cry at all. I was about to like a million times, but I didn't. So yeah. Fannie makes up and Clove and Johanna are friends again? Will they stay friends forever though? TBH, I don't even know. Imma go come up with more ideas for this story. Just in case anyone was wondering Katniss is six/seven months pregnant. If you guys have an ideas please either private message me or comment. Peace out girl scout!


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