Chapter 23

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Cato POV:

After hanging out at Peeta's house for a little while, I drove Clove home and went back to my house. We had last week off and this week off for some reason. I open the door and drag my suitcases inside. "Family, I'm home!" I yell. I here Cali come running down the stairs.

"Hi, Cato!" she says wrapping her arms around me. "How was Australia?"

"It was great," I say hugging her back. My dad walks into the kitchen. "Where's Mom?"

"She left," my dad says. "She's staying with a friend for a little while until we figure out what we want to do. Cali, can I talk to Cato alone?" Cali nods and goes back upstairs. "Ok, we need to talk about something." We walk into the living room and I sit down on the couch. "So I got a call from Dr. Snider asking if you were still having pain. I told him you were and he said then there's almost definitely no chance that you'll be playing football again anytime soon. So I called your school to let them know and they told me next year you're going to have to find another school because you only got into that school because of football. Your grades aren't going to get you into another school. You could go to community college, but do you really want to do that? You need to figure this out soon because I don't want you ending up like Mellark's kid."

"Peeta?" I ask surprised. My dad loves Peeta. He likes him more than he liked Marvel. God, I miss him.

"No, the older one. Rye or whatever. You need to start exploring your options," my dad says. I take all of this in and have a crazy idea.

"Dad, do you remember when I was younger and actually looked up to you?" He knows I have little to no respect for him. He nods. "And I always said I wanted to be just like you?" He nods again. "How you were the star football player and then joined the military?" He nods again. "What if I joined the marines or something?"

"I think that's a great idea actually. You'll be doing something good for your country, so sure. You'll have to talk to your mom about it and then you can start looking into it," my dad says.

"Ok, then I'll talk to mom tomorrow or something," I say. "I'm really tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep." I grab my suitcase and backpack and go upstairs. I don't bother putting anything away before I jump into bed. After a few minutes I fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to a few weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katniss POV:

Peeta and I decided on having our wedding on July 10th. I have to get my dress now because it's March 10th and it's better to get it earlier rather than later. Even though I'm pregnant the place I'm shopping said they make custom dresses so they'll figure out sizes and stuff. I'm bringing Clove, Annie, Johanna, and Prim--who's my maid of honor because I love her like crazy and she's my sister. My mom can't come because she has work, but I'll survive without her here. Johanna is driving us there and she pulls into a parking spot. It's called Capitol Couture. We all walk in and I'm greeted by my mom's old friend Cinna. "Katniss?" Cinna asks coming out from behind the counter.

"Hey, Cinna," I say hugging him.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Cinna asks.

"Peeta Mellark," I say smiling.

"The baker's son?" Cinna asks. I nod. "Congratulations! Normally I don't help people personally, but I'll help you because I know you. You and your friends can come in the back with me." We all follow Cinna to the back of his shop to a room with a couch, three chairs, and a table. Prim, Cinna, and I all take seats in the chairs and everyone else goes on the couch. "Alright, so do you mind me asking why you're having me create a custom dress? I don't mind at all I'm just curious."

"I'm pregnant," I say slightly embarrassed. "It's just easier this way I think."

"Ok," Cinna says. "So what were your original measurements so I can make the dress back to those or whatever measurements you expect to be at. If you don't reach those, then I can alter them." I give him my measurements. "Alright so what were you and your friend wanting for your dress?"

"I want something pretty plain," I say.

"Lace would be really pretty on you," Prim says.

"Nothing too conservative," Johanna says. "Nothing too slutty either."

"A long dress," Clove says. "Would you want sleeves or straps?"

"Maybe straps, not sleeves," I say.

"What if you had a long, white dress with lace covering the entire thing. And at the top then you can have straps and have lace covering the entire top at your chest?" Annie suggests.

"Maybe," I say. I see Cinna drawing something.

"What about this?" Cinna says showing me his sketchbook.

"That's perfect for you, Katniss," Prim says.

"I totally agree," Annie, Johanna, Clove all say.

"I love it," I say happily.

"So this is your dress?" Cinna asks. I nod. "Perfect. Either you or your mom can give me a call after you have the baby and we can try things on for alterations." We all say goodbye and get in Johanna's car. Oh my gosh, I'm getting married in four months and having a baby in two. This is crazy.

Hello...It's me...I just felt like doing that for some reason. So this fanfiction is almost over. There's only two or three more chapters then the epilogue. Wow. Don't worry though, because I've got another Hunger Games fanfiction coming soon. ***cough, cough, CLATO, cough, cough*** So yeah. I finally figured out how to add pictures. How sad is that? So yeah. Imma work on the next chapter of this story or my other fanfic. Peace out girl scout!


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