Epilogue (Part 2)

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Johanna and Gale also both graduated from Panem College and moved to Oxford, Mississippi. There Johanna and Gale both joined the police force. After living together for one year, Gale proposed to Johanna. Of course Johanna said yes. They were married a year later and everyone from the group--minus Cato--came.

When Johanna and Gale back from their honeymoon--which was in Germany--Johanna found out she was pregnant with her son Eli. Eli had dark brown hair like Johanna and gray eyes like Gale. He was just like his father. He was quieter, athletic, and friendly. When he was in high school, he became the quarterback of the football team. When he grew up, he joined the police force like his parents.

A year after Eli was born, Johanna had another son that she and Gale named Luke. Luke had his dad's hair and his mom's eyes. He had a very similar personality to his brother. He and his brother grow up as best friends. They both were on the same football team, had the same friends, and shared the same interests. He also joined the police academy after college.

When the boys were six and seven, the Hawthornes ended up adopted a black lab that they named Shadow.

Gale and Johanna made no effort to keep in touch with anyone except for Finnick and Annie. They tried to meet at least twice a year. They weren't really into Christmas cards, but followed everyone on social media. They also went to the reunion as well.

Nothing was too special about Gale and Johanna's story, but it's perfect for them.


Clove graduated from Panem College like everyone else and still stayed together with Alex the entire time. The day after graduation, Clove found out she was pregnant with her first son, Zach. Alex was there through the entire pregnancy and after too. Clove found a job of being a middle school counselor because she really needed someone to talk to during middle school. Three years after Zach was born, Clove found out with her daughter, Dani. After Dani was born, Alex proposed to Clove. Clove said yes not even thinking about if Cato would ever come home.

A month before their wedding, an unexpected visitor showed up at their townhouse door. Cato Hadley. Of course Clove was excited to have her best friend back, but she started to have feelings for Cato again once they started to hang out again. Alex got super jealous and made her choose between Cato and him. Clove hands down chose Cato. Alex left Clove to take care of their two children with Cato. Cato and Clove got back together and eloped three months later. Two years after their wedding, Clove was pregnant again with her third and final child, Paige.

Zach looked just like Alex with his light brown hair and blue eyes. Even though he had none of Cato's genes, he was practically a reincarnation of Cato. He was the star quarterback in high school, had a burden to please his dad, and had the same anger issues. Cato felt like he had to be there the most for Zach because he was the only boy in the family and he wasn't his biological father. Cato and Zach had a very close bond that most parents strive for with their children. Zach got into college on a football scholarship. He graduated college and went on to play for the Bills in the NFL.

Dani was born with dark brown hair and hazel/green eyes like her mom. She grew up very insecure but bold at the same time. In middle she started dying her hair unnatural colors. The most common color she used was mint green. In high school she started getting picked on and even became depressed. Dani turned to art and poetry to help her get through it. She graduated high school and went to college down state to get away from everyone at her school. She got through her depression and became a very successful artist and poet.

Paige look like Cato with her blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Paige was nothing like either of her parents. She was shy and extremely quiet. She found a love of gymnastics. She wanted to dedicate all of her time to it. Her parents let her be home-schooled. She found a very close group of friends at her studio. She and her friends grew up and went to the Olympics together.

After Cato left the marines, he never got a full-time job. He became a football coach at Hunger Games High. Cato and Clove decided to adopted two dogs: a German shepherd named Izzy and a husky named Ellie.

Cato and Clove really had no intention to keep in touch with anyone except for maybe Katniss and Peeta. They all were on social media together and would send Christmas cards and occasional emails. They went to the reunion just like everyone else did.

Hey, guys! So this is the last chapter of L&HSAJG/Missing Something. I can't believe it's actually over. You guys are absolutely incredible! District13gal and I appreciate each and every one of you guys. Even if you weren't there from the very beginning, you still mean so much to us! I love you guys so much! I really hope you continue reading my stories that will be coming soon. I have a new one I plan on posting sometime within the next week. I'll post on here when it's up. Thank you all again! Imma go clean my room now. Peace out girl scout!


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