Chapter 24

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to May~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Peeta POV:

The year is over. This is probably my last year of college; well, at least anytime soon. I can't believe this. Today's also Prim, Rue, Cali, and Kay's middle school graduation. We're all going because Katniss and Clove are making us. Then. Cali's inviting all of her friends back to her house for a little party thing. Cato invited us too so he wouldn't be too outnumbered.

I'm currently at home unpacking all my stuff from my dorm. I get a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I call. Katniss walks into my room. Cato walk in my room dressed in a plaid button up shirt and nice jeans. He normally wears a t-shirt and shorts or something really casual, it's nice to see he actually cares enough to look nice. "Aren't you supposed to be with your sister?" I ask.

"My dad dropped Cali off a little while ago. He said I can come hang out with friends for a little while before," Cato explains.

"I would've thought you would be with Clove," I say. Now that he and Clove broke up, they're closer than ever.

"She's with Alex," Cato says sitting down on my bed. After everyone got back from Australia, Alex needed a math tutor and Clove said she'd help. Then they started hanging out and now they've been dating for a little over a month. "What does she see in him? She went from me to him. He's so...Alex. I don't know how he and Finnick are related." Cato hasn't gotten another girlfriend and is still in love with Clove. It's hard to watch him go through this because he's my best friend. It's like when Cato was with Delly and Clove was going through hell.

"Have you told her about tomorrow?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"How could I? That'd be like telling Katniss, 'Hey, I'm leaving to go to San Diego tomorrow because my dad doesn't want me sitting around the house anymore. Peace out.' I can't do that to her," Cato says.

"You're gonna have to," I say. "I don't want to be the one to tell her. She'll be mad at me for knowing this whole time and not telling her until after you're gone. Please do it today. Do it when she's at your house after the graduation."

"Fine," Cato says. "You need to change and then we need to go. You want me to drive you?"

"Sure, are we picking up Annie, and Finnick?" I ask. Cato nods. "Ok, let me put on nice clothes and I'll be ready to go." I grab a light blue button up and khakis. I slip on some sperrys and go back into my room. "Does my hair look ok?" Cato gets up and runs his hand through my hair to make it all messy.

"Looks great," Cato says.

"I'll fix it in the car," I say sighing. We both run downstairs and go outside. "Bye, Dad! Bye, Rye!" I yell into the garage because they're fixing Rye's car. They both wave. We get in Cato's car and drive to Annie's where Finnick, and Annie are. They all get in the car.

"Hey," they all say. "Oh my goodness!" Annie says. "This is gonna be one of the last times we're all going to be in the car together!"

"Way to bum everyone out, Ann," Finnick says. "How's Cali taking it?" Cato literally told all of our friends except Clove.

"She's known about it the whole time, but she really hasn't let it set in until now. I feel bad for leaving her because my mom left too, but she understand why I have to do it. I told her I'll call her whenever I can, but I'm not sure how often that'll be," Cato says. He takes a deep breath. "Let's not talk about it because I wanna look put together for their graduation."

"When we graduated middle school, was it a big deal?" Finnick asks.

"I don't remember them making a big deal about it. I mean they had an award ceremony and maybe read everyone's names, but other than that no. What exactly are they doing?" I say.

"They're basically doing that with some little after party at my house," Cato says. "God dammit! I forgot to shut my bedroom door. We better be the first ones back to my house so those stupid eighth graders don't touch anything."

"Just tell Cali to shut the door if she gets back before us or any of our other friends," Annie says. Cato has me text Cali to do that. "Is Alex coming to the graduation and your house?"

"Nope," Finnick says. "He's got a soccer thing."

"Good," I hear Cato say under his breath. We pull into the school parking lot and get a spot next to Gale's car--which has Gale and Johanna making out in the backseat. Finnick goes to the window and smacks the window until they notice. Gale flips Finnick off and they both get out of the car.

"Where are Clove and Katniss?" Johanna asks.

"No, hi or hey, just ask where Katniss and Clove are?" Finnick says trying to sound hurt. "Ouch, Johanna."

"They both came with their families," Cato says answering Johanna's question. We all walk into the school and find Clove and Katniss standing in the gym with all the other families.

"Hey," Katniss says as soon as she sees me.

"Hey," I say kissing her. "Are you guys sitting with your parents?"

"They're already sitting together so we can just sit behind them," Clove says. We walk over and take our seats behind the Hadley's, Mr. Sevina, and Mrs. Everdeen. They start the graduation and it lasts for about an hour and a half. We all walk out of the school after and wait for Cali, Rue, Prim, and Kay.

"Peeta," Katniss says sounding panicked. I turn to her and she looks really nervous.

"What?" I ask sounding nervous.

"My water just broke," Katniss says still panicked. Oh shit.

Hey, guys! Cliffhanger! So who else is excited for Thanksgiving?! I'm just ready for no school. Geometry and World History aren't very much fun. In my English class, we're reading a dystopian novel--everyone's reading The Hunger Games. We actually started the movie today. I'm like the only kid who knows every line. We only got to right after Katniss' score was announced. I wish we got to the games because I'm not sure if we're finishing it and that's my favorite part. So imma go. Peace out girl scout!


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