Chapter 18

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finnick POV:

We were all at breakfast this morning and decided to go scuba diving today. We took two taxis; Gale, Johanna, Annie, and I in one and Cato and Clove in the other. Annie wasn't in the mood to ride with them and nobody else was either. We all get to the scuba diving place and we meet our guide.

"Hello," the guy says with an Australia accent. "My name is Lucas and I'll be your instructor and guide for today. So I'm going to just go over the basics with you guys and then you guys can go get suited up and start scuba diving." He goes over everything we need to know and we all go change. All the guys go in one area and the girls go in another,

"You two owe me money because I won the bet," Cato says.

"We'll give you the money when we get back," Gale says.

"What even happened?" I ask. Gale and I didn't want to go over to them because we didn't want to get in anymore drama this week.

"So the girl's drew names for beds or something like that and Johanna didn't get a bed. That pissed Clove off, so she freaked out on Johanna, then they got in a fight. I'm so over this. It's the same bullshit every time. It's either Clove or Johanna that starts something, then the other one fights back. It's really annoying. The three of us are all trying to get along this week; why can't the girls?" Cato says.

"We should try to fix them," Gale says.

"You know those couple retreats? We could find one for the friends or something like that to make them talk things out," I suggest.

"We need to make sure it's just talking and no physical contact because you know Johanna will hit Clove. No offense, Gale, but she's done it before," Cato says.

"That's very true. I bet you we could make something for them ourselves," Gale says.

"But I wanna enjoy Australia," I say. "We can make something for them as long as we can leave them."

"Just make Annie in charge. She can try to be impartial," Cato says.

"That should work. Can we try to make today as much fun as possible? I really just want to have a fun, relaxing vacation," I say.

"Agreed," Cato and Gale both say. We change in our wet suits and all the other gear. We walk out and they give us our oxygen tanks.

"Ok," Lucas says. "Are you all ready to go?" We all nod. "Remember, if you feel like you're running out of oxygen, either swim to shore or find me; whatever easiest. Understood?" We all nod again. "Ok, have fun, but try not to touch anything. Let's go!" We all walk into the crystal clear blue water.

Cato POV:

After a while of swimming around the water for a little while, I see something weird behind some coral. I swim over to it and see a hand. This is creepy. The hand isn't moving either. This is really creepy. I swim closer to it and I see it's Johanna. Oh God. She's not moving. I don't think she's breathing either. I grab her shoulders and pull out from the coral. I carry her and swim to the shore. I run up to where we got changed and go to someone working there.

"Hey, my friend was in the water and isn't breathing," I say panicked.

"Ok, lay her down," the guy says. Her starts doing CPR and mouth-to-mouth on her. I see Finnick, Annie, Gale, Clove and Lucas come running toward me.

"What happened?!" Gale asks dropping to his knees. I shrug my shoulders. I hear coughing and look down at Johanna. I see her eyes open and she starts coughing up water. "Oh thank God." Gale wraps his arms around Johanna. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Johanna says breathing heavily. "My oxygen tank ran out, I guess."

"You all should probably go to the hospital," Lucas says. "Just to make sure everything's alright." We all agree on that. We get in another two taxis and go to the hospital. We all get there and get Johanna a room. They originally only allow family, but none of her family is her, so Gale, Finnick, and Annie all pretend to be her family. Clove and I wait out in the waiting room.

"Why is it always you and me finding Johanna almost dead?" Clove asks sitting down in the chair next to me.

"I have no idea. We've been here for a day and a half and there's already been one argument and one trip to the hospital. What's next?" I say.

"I don't know," Clove says.

"I need a drink," I say. Clove looks at me confused.

"Like water? Or like alcohol?" Clove asks.

"Both. But the legal drinking age here is 18, so we're all covered. We should all just go out to a bar or a restaurant," I suggest.

"Just think. We'll all get drunk and get in a fight or someone will cheat on someone or something like that. It's just gonna end badly either way," Clove points out.

"That's very true," I say. "Oh well. You never know. We may all have a lot more fun when we're drunk."

"I don't know," she says. "Last time we all got super wasted, you cheated on me with Johanna."

"That's also very true," I say. "Sorry 'bout that."

"It's fine. I'm over it," she says. "Obviously, or else I wouldn't be with you."

"You're really good at making true statements," I say smiling.

"You think Johanna's gonna be ok?" she asks.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," I say grabbing Clove's hand. "Since when did you start caring about Johanna's life?"

"I don't want her to die," Clove says.

"That makes sense," I say.

"Are you sure that it's very true?" she asks mocking me. 

"Shut up," I say.

Hey, guys! So here's another chapter. There is definitely more drama to come! Sorry I would've updated sooner, but I had my first homecoming this weekend. It was a lot of fun. So I'm in high school and I still watch Girl Meets World. I was just watching Girl Meets Texas, and OMG!!! I'm so mad! So I ship Rucas because duh, but Lucaya might happen and that's not allowed! I'm really passionate about this--that's kinds sad. So I'm currently reading CoFA and Malec forever! They're like my new OTP! Plus Sizzy it's tots adorbs! So basically if you read this whole thing you know some of my favorite couples.

QOTD: Do you ship Rucas or Lucaya?

AOTD: RUCAS!!! (I also ship myself w/Lucas btw)

Another QOTD: TMI OTP?

Another AOTD: MALEC!!!!

Imma go. Peace out girl scout!! 


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