Chapter 21

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Katniss POV:

I hear my phone ringing on Peeta's nightstand. I remove myself from his grasp and grab my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Katniss," Clove says on the other line.

"Clove? It's like 1 AM here. What do you need?" I ask groggily.

"I need Cato advice," she says sounding upset.

"Ok, give me a second. I don't wanna wake Peeta up," I say getting out of his bed. I go into his bathroom instead of the hallway so I don't wake up Rye or his dad either. "Ok, so what's up?"

"Cato and Annie hooked up this afternoon," Clove says sounding like she's trying not to cry. "And I don't know whether I wanna break up with him. I hate him for cheating on me, but I also hate not being with him. What do I do?"

"Well, take a break," I say. "You can still be friends with you so it's not like you have to completely stop talking to him, but he can't cheat on you. And if it still kills you to not be with him romantically, be friends with benefits."

"Is that what you would do?" Clove asks unsurely.

"Clove, you're like my best friend, I'm trying to sabotage you or hurt you," I say.

"Ok, then I'll do that," she says.

"Ok. If you need anything, I'm here for you," I say.

"I know. I'll text you later," she says. She hangs up the phone. I walk out of Peeta's bathroom and see he's awake.

"Who were you talking to?" he ask rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Clove. Cato and Annie hooked up," I say climbing back into bed.

"Sounds like they're having a fun vacation," he says sarcastically. I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

Clove POV:

I walk down into the lobby and see Cato sitting there on one of the couches. "Hey," I say.

"Hey, did you figure out what you want to do?" he asks standing up. I nod. "Should we talk upstairs or do you wanna go outside or...?"

"I don't upstairs is a good idea. Finnick's in your room and Annie's in mine packing. Let's just go take a walk," I suggest. Cato agrees and we go outside and just start walking around. "So I called Katniss because I had no idea what to do about this situation. She said we should break up, but still be really good friends and work on our trust. Plus if we really needed some sex in our lives we could just be friends with benefits."

"So are we gonna do that?" Cato asks sounding kinda sad.

"I think it would maybe help us," I say. Cato sighs and agrees to that.

"So we're breaking up for now, but we could possibly get back together in the future?" Cato asks hopefully. I nod. We keep walking and talking until we get back upstairs. "So you aren't really that mad at me for this?" I nod. "Why?"

"I'm not sure," I say. I guess since it's happened two other times I've just gotten less mad at you for it. Now we're not together so I can't get mad at you."

"True," Cato says. "Friends can hug right?"

"Yes, Cato. Friends can hug," I say. Cato wraps his arms around me.

"Can friends kiss?" Cato asks smiling.

"Normal friends tend not to," I say.

"Are we normal friends?" He asks looking down at me. I shrug. He leans into kiss me, but I move out of the way so he kisses my ear.

"I would say we're normal friends for now," I say moving out of his grasp. "I'll text you later." I open my door and see a note on the desk in the room.

I pick it up and read it. Dear everyone. I'm so sorry for what I did with Cato. I want you all to enjoy this trip and I know that I won't given the circumstances. I've decided to go home. I'll see you all when you get back. Have a fun trip!

~~~~~~~~time flash to the next day~~~~~~~

Annie POV:

My plane landed a little while ago and now I'm taken a cab to Peeta's because I know that Katniss will be there. The cab driver drops me off and I go ring the doorbell. Peeta opens the door and looks shocked to see me.

"Annie?" He asks. "What the hell are you doing back here?" I see Katniss come up behind him and see looks just as shocked as Peeta did.

"I need your help with my situation with Finnick that I'm sure you've heard about," I say coming in his house with my bags. "What do I do?"

"How would we know what to do?" Katniss asks. "We're not married yet."

"Yet?" I ask looking at her finger. I see she has an engagement ring. "OMG!!! Congrats!" I say. Out of nowhere I just start bawling my eyes out.

"Annie, what's the matter?" Katniss asks wrapping her arms around me.

"Everything's working out so well for you two and I ruined two relationships yesterday," I say while crying.

"Oh, honey. I'm sure you didn't. You and Finnick have been together forever, you know you two will get passed this," Katniss says. She and Peeta walk me up to Peeta's room and I sit down on his bed.

"Peeta, you know Finnick pretty well. Do you think he'll leave me?" I ask.

"Annie, Finnick's loved you since the day I met him. I don't think he'd ever leave you," Peeta says.

"Are you sure?" I ask. He nods. "This is gonna kill me, not knowing what he is thinking."

Hey, people! Guess who feels like crap! This girl! I actually left school early but I'll be back tomorrow. So that's fun. I don't have a lot to say but thank for getting this story to 1000 reads! Y'all are literally the best and it makes me and district13gal so happy! So imma go now. Peace out Girl Scout!

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