Chapter 16

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Peeta POV:

Someone starts banging on Cato's and I's door. "It's open!" Cato yells.

Katniss opens the door and turns to Cato. "You. Out." Cato gets up and leaves the room. "I'm so f**king pissed." She sits down on my bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask putting my arms around her from behind.

Katniss sighs and say, "So I'm in a group chat with Clove, Annie, and Johanna and all morning they've been fighting. Johanna and Annie keep wanting me on their side and are like bringing me into the fight. I have nothing to do with this. I don't know why Annie's apart of it. I started defending Clove and they were getting mad at me. Clove actually called me and was like 'You don't need to defend me because I know it'll just make them madder.' And I was like 'No I'm gonna stand up for you because you're my friend.' They finally shut up when Johanna had to go to class. I don't know what to do."

"I just thought of a crazy idea," I say resting my head on her shoulder. "What if we sent everyone on vacation so you can relax? All this stress isn't good for the baby."

Katniss thinks and says, "I like that. We can send them to Australia." Katniss and I agree on that. We called everyone's parents to check with them and have them by their kids tickets. Everyone agrees and buys their kid's tickets. I text everyone to come meet us in my dorm. Everyone comes after a few minutes.

"What's up?" Finnick asks.

"Katniss and I were talking and we both think that you all need a vacation. So we talked to your parents and they thought it was a good idea so you're all going to Australia for the next week! We're off of school, so it's not like you'll be missing anything. Katniss and I would love to come, but with the baby it's not really safe. But you all are leaving tomorrow so you better start packing," I say. Everyone stares at us shocked. "Seriously, you all have to pack for a week in a couple of hours. Remember since it's colder here, it'll be warmer there." They all leave--except Cato--to start packing.

Clove POV:

Australia?! Are they serious? I honestly don't even wanna go. If it was me, Cato, Katniss, and Peeta or just me and Cato it would be fun. But with everyone else, no way. We'll fight the whole time.

I walk into my room and start packing. "What're you packing for?" Delly asks emerging from the bathroom.

"Australia," I say.

"Australia?! Can I come?" Delly asks jokingly. Since I've been living with Delly, it turns out she's actually pretty nice. We seem to get along a lot better than I do with Johanna or Annie right now. "Why are you guys going? Who's going?"

"Peeta and Katniss basically sending us away. It's me, Cato, Johanna, Gale, Annie, and Finnick," I say.

"Sounds like a lot of fun for you," Delly says sarcastically. She knows that I'm mad at them right now. "I'm gonna go hang out with Madge, Loki, and Ian if you need me." She leaves the room and Cato walks in.

"Hey, baby," he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"How the hell are you done packing?" I ask confused.

"I'm a dude. Plus, I'll just finish later. I figured you would need help and Delly just left," he says.

"Ok then. Grab me some clothes," I say. He walks over to my dresser and starts going through the drawers.

"You should pack this," Cato says holding up a black lace thong. "Why don't you ever where this for me?"

"Shut up," I say blushing. I grab the thong and throw it in my suitcase. "Your welcome." He smirks and keeps helping me pack. After an hour of deciding on everything, I finally have everything but my stuff I'll need in the morning packed. "Shouldn't you go finish packing?"

"I guess," Cato says getting off my bed. He comes over and kisses me. "I'll text you later. Love you."

"Love you too," I say as he leaves. I just spend the rest of the night mentally preparing myself for the 14 hour plane ride with Johanna.

Annie POV:

I walk up excited to go to Australia. I've never been and neither has Finnick. I go into my bathroom and get ready. I throw all my last minute things in my toiletries bag and put that in my suitcase. I see Katniss is awake.

"Morning," I say.

"Morning. What time's your flight?" Katniss asks groggily.

"6:30. I've gotta go. I'll see you in a week," I say hugging her.

"Ok," she says hugging back half-heartedly. "Text me when you land."

"Will do," I say. I roll my suitcase out of the room and leave. I meet Finnick, Johanna, and Gale in front of Finnick's car. We all get in and drive to the airport. We pull into a parking spot and grab all of our bags. We get our tickets, go through security, and seat in the waiting area for our plane. I see Cato and Clove are already here. I go and sit with them. Finnick, Gale, and Johanna look at me like I'm crazy. "Hey, guys!"

"What do you want?" Clove asks.

"We're gonna be spending a lot of time together, so I think we should get along," I say. Our parents put all the girls in one room and boys in another even though Finnick and I are married. I guess they don't want any hanky-panky going on.

"Can't we just wait till we get there? I'm tired and just wanna sleep. I can't sleep on planes," Clove says closing her eyes and resting her head on Cato's shoulder.

"Ok, but all our seats are together. Finnick and I are split up. I'm sitting with you two. Finnick, Johanna, and Gale are behind us. I'll see you then," I say. I get up and go back to everyone else. I sit down on Finnick's lap.

"What the hell were you doing?" Johanna asks.

"Trying to be nice," I say. "You should really try to get along with her this week, or else it's gonna be a long week."

"Why don't the four of us share a room and the two of them share the other room?" Gale suggests.

"Our parents want us to do it this way," Finnick says. They call our flight and we all take our sits. I put my headphones in preparing for a long flight.

Hey, guys! I finally got an idea! Thank you so much Clatolover127 so much for giving me an idea. I hope you guys find the next few chapters interesting. Thanks for bearing with me through my writer's block. Do any of you guys watch The Muppets? It's really funny. Plus, Liam Hemsworth guest starred. So yeah. Imma go. Peace out girl scout!


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