Chapter 3

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to a few weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katniss POV:

"Shit," I say looking down on the pregnancy test.

"Everything ok, Katniss?" Annie asks from outside the door.

"Uh, not really," I say.

"Um, what's the problem?" she asks. I open the door. I show her the test. "You're pregnant?!"

"I guess. I've taken three tests and they've all come out positive. I guess I'm pregnant," I say.

"Is it Peeta's?" Annie asks.

"Yeah. Do I have to tell him?" I ask. Annie nods. "But if I don't tell him, it's not real, right?" She shakes her head. "Do I tell him now?" She nods. I sigh. I walk out of the room. I walk to Peeta, Finnick, and Gale's room. I knock on the door. Finnick answers.

"Hey, Katniss. Long time no see, huh?" he says.

"Is Peeta here?" I ask. Finnick looks shocked. He opens his mouth to say something before I start talking. "It's really important."

"Uh, yeah. He's here," he says. He turns back into the room. "Peeta! Someone's here for you!" Peeta comes to the door. He looks very surprised to see me. I would be too if I were him. "Hey, Gale, let's go and pick up a pizza." Gale and Finnick both leave.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I walk into his room. He sits down on his bed. "So what's up?"

"Ok, I have no idea how to say this to you, so I'm just gonna get to the point. So about two months ago we had sex. And know because of that I'm pregnant. And 110% sure you're the father," I say.

"What?" Peeta asks.

"Don't make me say it again," I say.

"How? We used protection, right?" he says.

"I don't remember. All I know is I was late on my period and I was throwing up this morning," I say.

"Ok. What do you need me to do, Katniss?" Peeta says. "I know you probably still hate me, but sense it is my kid I want to be there for you."

"Ok. That's fine. I probably should go to a doctor. Do you wanna come with me?" I ask.

"If you want me to," he says.

"I do," I say. "I'll schedule an appointment for tomorrow and text you the time."

"That works. I'm good any time of the day," he says.

"I'll see you then," I say leaving. Oh dear God this is gonna be awkward.

Johanna POV:

I'm sitting on my bed in the now normal silence until there is a knock at the door. I practically jump to get the door. I open it and it's Gale.

"Hey, Gale," I say.

"Can we talk?" he asks. I nod and step out into the hallway knowing if I ask Clove to leave she'd just argue. "So I was thinking and I realized that I can't stand not being together. I miss you like hell."

"I feel the same way, Gale. Is there any way we can get back together?" I ask.

"On one condition. You are never aloud to speak to Cato again. Understood?" he asks.

"That's fine," I say. "Clove never talks to Cato anymore, so you don't have to worry."

"Ok. Do you wanna go out tomorrow night?" he asks.

"Of course," I say.

"I'll pick you up at seven," he says walking away. I walk back into my room smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" Clove asks without looking up from her phone.

"Gale and I are back together," I say happily.

"Good for you," Clove says sounding disappointed.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"Just peachy," she says still sounding sad. I guess that's her usual tone.

Finnick POV:

I grab my phone and call Glimmer.

(on the phone)

Glimmer: Hello?

Finnick: Hey, Glim.

Glimmer: Oh hey, Finnick! How's life in the states?

Finnick: Eh. I'm sure Marvel and Clove have told you everything that's been going on.

Glimmer: Yep. So why'd you call me?

Finnick: Well, I've been thinking and I really want to spend the rest of my life with Annie and I'm ready now.

Glimmer: You want to propose to Annie?!

Finnick: Yep. And I want you to help me propose to her. I mean you do live in the city of love.

Glimmer: Ok. You're anniversary is coming up soon right?

Finnick: Yeah, it's tomorrow

Glimmer: So I think it'd be tots adorbs if you like recreated your first date. And then at the end of the date you propose.

Finnick: That's perfect! Thank you so much!

Glimmer: No prob. I've gotta go to school now. Text me what she says.

Finnick: Will do.

(conversation over)

That is exactly what I have to do. I already got the ring. It's my grandmother's old ring. I call the restaurant Annie and I went to on our first date and make reservations for tomorrow night. This is so exciting! I go to bed with a smile on my face.

Hey! Here's another update. Katniss is pregnant, Johanna and Gale are getting back together, and Finnick's proposing to Annie. Will she say yes? There is still more to come.  I might need some help later on in the story, so I'll let you guys know. I'm so sad because Degrassi is ending! I freaking love this show! I haven't seen any of the earlier seasons but I might go back and watch them.

QOTD: Do you watch Degrassi? If so, who's your favorite character(s)?

AOTD: Yes!!! Fiona, Drew, Bianca, Zoe, Miles, Jenna, K.C., and Holly J.

So my school is making us pick a summer reading book off of a list and I'm gonna read Ender's Game. Has anyone read it? Is it any good? Imma go have dinner now. Peace out girl scout!


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