Chapter 6

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Katniss POV:

I went back to my room after Johanna, Gale, Peeta, and I went out to breakfast and Annie wasn't there. She left me a note saying she was with Finnick. I pull out my phone and text Peeta.

(text conversation)

K: Hey

P: Hey

K: Can u come over we need 2 talk

P: About wat?

K: Our situation, us

P: ok on my way

K: k

(end of conversation)

I wait until Peeta comes and knocks on my door. I answer the door. "Hey, Peeta."

"Hey. So what about our situation and us do we need to talk about?" he says coming into my room and sitting on my bed.

"What are we gonna do about this baby?" I ask. "Neither of us are ready take care of a kid. Where are we gonna keep the kid? We can't keep it in a dorm room. Both of our parents work during the day, so we can't leave it with them. What about money? How are we gonna get money to buy food and other important things? Neither of us have a job. We only have nine months to prepare for this. Most teen moms have to drop out of school. I have my whole future planned out. So do you. We both need to go to school to pursue it. I don't want to have a baby at nineteen! I hate this so much!" I yell. I grab my pillow and scream into it. Peeta puts his hand on my back.

"It's gonna be hard, Katniss," Peeta says. "You really don't need to stress about it now. We can always talk to our parents about this. I know neither of us originally planned on having kids this early, but it's happening now."

"Seriously, Peeta?" I say sitting up. "You're acting like this is some TV show and this isn't really happening to us. Guess what? It is! You can't just act like this doesn't bother you! I know it does! Stop pretending everything's ok because it's not!"

"Katniss, calm down. I know it's not perfect. It does bother me. I'm scared as hell! Someone's gotta stay strong between us and it obviously isn't you!" he says.

"What?" I ask standing up. "I'm always the strong one! Why can't I be the strong one now?"

"Because you're the one freaking out!" he says angrily. He takes a deep breath "Just calm down and we can try to figure this stuff out."

"I can't!" I say with tears in my eyes.

"Why not?" Peeta asks standing up.

"Because I'm scared," I say barely audible.

"I know," he says just as quiet as me. I start to cry. I haven't broke down in a really long time. I'm just so used to holding in all of my emotions to be strong for Prim. He pulls me into a hug. "It's ok to be upset." Eventually I calm down. "We need to tell the group."

"Now?" I ask. He nods. I text everyone to meet us in my dorm room.

(text conversation)

K: Meet me in my room. Really important

Cato: I can't

K: Y?

Cato: Hospital smart1

F: WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!

Cato: wat?

A: r u dead?

Cato: Yes. This is my ghost. I'm txting 2 u from hell

A: That's scary!!!!!!!! :o

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