Chapter 17

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~~~~~time flash to fourteen hours later~~~~

Johanna POV:

I get off the plane and into the taxi with Gale and Finnick. Cato, Clove, and Annie are in another. We're all going to the hotel to shower and sleep. We landed in Australia at 1:00 AM San Francisco time and 7:00 PM their time. Plus they're a day ahead of us. This is gonna take some time to get used to.
"I'm so tired!" Gale says. I can't sleep on planes and neither can he.
"Well when we get to the hotel, you can go to sleep. I can guarantee you that Cato will want to sleep too," Finnick says.
"It's gonna be so much fun sharing a room with Clove," I say.
"I still think the idea of the four of us share a room and the two of them get the other would work," Finnick says.
"Annie really wants to follow what all the parents agreed on. We don't need another Katniss and Peeta situation. Right now," I say.
"True," Gale says laughing. "Just try not to fight with her and I'll try not to fight with him."
"Why did Katniss and Peeta even invite them?" I ask. "I mean they all seem to now be best friends, so why not keep them around and send us away?"
"They want us to all get along," Gale says. "They expect this trip to fix everything, but it's not. There's seven years of history here that isn't gonna go away in a week."
The taxi stops and we get to the hotel. We walk in and see that Cato, Clove, and Annie are already here.
"We already checked in," Annie says. She gives me, Gale, and Finnick room keys. We go to our floor and get into our rooms. Our rooms are conjoined. The rooms got two beds and a pull out couch.
"What are we gonna go about beds? How do we figure this out?" Clove asks.
"We could play Rock Paper Scissors," Annie suggests. "Or we could draw names?"
We decide on drawing names. Clove writes down everyone's names and puts them in a bowl. We draw names and the two names to get pulled are Clove and Annie.
"I don't wanna sleep on the couch," I state.
"Of course you don't," Clove says.
"Excuse me?" I ask with attitude. I'm so done with this shit.
"You didn't get what you wanted so your gonna complain. Just shut up and deal with it," Clove says.
"Don't act like you wouldn't complain if you'd gotten. The couch," I say.
"It's a pullout couch. Sure it's not as comfortable as a bed, but it's better than nothing," she says.
"I don't want to fight with you, Clove. We're on vacation," I say.
Clove says, "Of course you wanna fight with me or else you would've stopped years ago. You probably love the fact that since Katniss and Peeta aren't here, the only person on my side would be Cato. You'll always have Annie, Finnick, and Gale even though you've hit me and I f**king saved your life! Can't you show any thanks or compassion? I'm so sick of having the same argument everyday. You know your the whole reason that we're here. Katniss and Peeta just sent us here so that Katniss wouldn't be so stressed out. You're the reason why she's stressed out! You can't just let something die. You'll fight with me over text for three hours and you drag her and Annie in for no apparent reason. What the f**k is wrong with you?!" Clove storms out of the room.
"I'm taking her bed," I say.
"Don't," Annie says. "I want this week to be fun."

Cato POV:

"How long you think the girls will last before one of them loses it?" I ask.
"Two days," Finnick says.
"Have a little faith, Finn. I think they can last five," Gale says.
"I bet you it'll be a few minutes," I say. "Wanna put money on it?"
"Of course," the other two guys say.
"How much?" I ask.
"$50?" Finnick suggests.
"Sure," Gale says. "We should pick which girls gonna crack first. I think Annie's gonna because I'd get annoyed with the two of them."
"I pick Clove hands down," I say.
"Johanna," Finnick says. We all agree on this. A few minutes after decided who's sleeping where-which is me on the couch and the other two get the beds-someone starts banging on the door. I go to open it and it's Clove.
"What's up?" I ask knowing exactly what she's about to say.
"Johanna," she says.
"What did she do?" I ask shutting the door.
"I wanna go home!" she says wrapping her arms around me. Clove has never been the biggest traveler. As a matter of fact whenever she would go away she would call me really upset.
"I know, Clove. But we can't. So what can we do to make you feel better?" I say rubbing her back. "Are you hungry? That's a McDonalds down the street. Wanna go there?" She nods. "Tell me all about Johanna on the way." I grab her hand and we walk to McDonalds.

Hey, guys! So two updates in a week! I'm so proud! Lol. So how was everyone's day? I really don't have much to say rn. So imma go read or write. Peace out Girl Scout!

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