Chapter 19

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Gale POV:

We all came back from the hospital late last night. Johanna's fine. Cato, Finnick, I both fell asleep instantly. We wake up the next morning and go down to breakfast. Finnick, Annie, Johanna, and I all sit at one table and Clove and Cato sit at another. I really wish that Johanna and Clove would work out their shit, so we all can just have fun on this vacation.

"I left my phone in my room. I'll be right back," Annie says getting up.

"I'll come with you," Johanna says getting up too. They both walk over to the elevator.

"So we need to think of a way for everyone to bond," Finnick says.

"I've got an idea!" I say. I turn to the table that Clove and Cato are sitting at. "Hey, Cato, come here for a second." Cato gets up and Clove pulls out her phone.

"What's up?" Cato asks pulling out one of the chairs.

"So I thought of an idea to get everyone to bond," I say. Cato and both look at me with interest. "So what if we all draw names and have to spend the day together? Then we all come back and let everything out in the open so we know how everyone feels about everyone and everything right now. It might starts some fights, but at least everything will be out in the open." Cato and Finnick both agree to that. "So after breakfast lets all go back to our room to pick names." Cato goes back over to Clove and Johanna and Annie come back downstairs. We all finish breakfast and then go back to my room.

"What are we going to do today?" Annie asks excitedly.

"Well, we are going to split up today. We're all gonna draw names and spend the day with whoever we get. Then we'll come back here and let everything out in the open," I say. Everyone agrees reluctantly. We all draw names and it's; Cato and Annie, Johanna and Finnick, and Clove me. We all break off in our groups. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. What is there to do?" Clove asks.

"We could go to the zoo," I suggest.

"Sure," Clove says. We decide to walk to the zoo because it would be more fun to actually see Australia. "So does Johanna every bad mouth me?"

"Whenever you fight," I say. I really don't want to talk about this, but I do want to fix that relationship.

"Do you think there's anyway that we could ever fix this?" she asks.

"Honestly, Clove, I have no idea. I think you should try to fix it as much as possible, but it might not be really ever fixed. Do you think that you and Johanna can try to be tolerant to each other this week?" I say.

"I can try," she says.

"Ok, as long as you try I think it'll be fine. I've told Johanna the same thing too," I say. We continue walking to the zoo and just talking about random things. This is actually really nice because Clove and I really have never done this.

Cato POV:

Annie and I decided to go to the beach because that's her favorite place. "So we're just hang out at the beach all day?" Annie nods. "Just the two of us?" She nods again. "Isn't this gonna be kinda weird?" She shakes her head. "Why isn't this gonna be weird?"

"Because we're really good friends. Do you think it's gonna be weird?" Annie asks.

"I dunno. We've never hung out just the two of us before," I say.

"Well, let's just make this super fun!" she says cheerfully. We just hang out for a little while. The beach starts to get really crowded. "Can we go somewhere where it's less crowded?" I nod and we both grab our stuff and walk to an area with out anyone around at all. We sit there in an awkward silence. Out of no where she leans in and kisses me. I pull back and say, "What the f**k was that?"

"I don't know. I just couldn't help myself," she says bashfully. I don't know what it was, but I felt something . It's that feeling I get when I kiss Clove. I lean in and kiss her again. She kisses me back. I press her down onto the towel she's sitting on. She starts pulling off my swim trunks. (You can imagine the rest ;))

Hey, guys! Long time no update. Sorry, but I finally updated. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Something goes down at the end of this chapter. Imma go because I have to get ready for my bday party tonight. Peace out girl scout!


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