Chapter 13

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Johanna POV:

I go outside and tie my tennis shoes. I start my morning jog. I pass the dorms on our campus and got distracted because I see Cato and Clove making out. I never realized they were back together; not like it matters.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my side. I fall to the ground in pain. I look at my side and I all I see is blood. Everything starts to blur and goes black.

Beep...beep...beep is all I hear. I look around the room and I see Cato and Clove whispering on a couch. The room has white walls with hospital equipment all over. "What the hell is going on?" I ask trying to sit up. "Ow! What does my side hurt so f**king much?"

"You got hit by a car," Cato says.

"What?!" I ask shocked. "Where's Gale? Does he know? Why are you two here?"

"You were out running, someone didn't look, and they hit you with their car. You lost a lot of blood so they're checking your mom's file to see if she can donate blood. If they can't find anyone, then I'll have to do it," Cato says. "They ran out of B-. I'm not sure how though. Gale doesn't know. We're here because we were there."

"Good, you're awake!" Dr. Snider says coming in the room. "I'm Dr. Snider, but you all already knew that. So, Ms. Mason, it seems that your mother doesn't have the same blood type, so Cato will donate his. This might not be the best time to mention this, but your father also didn't have the same blood type as you. I just thought you should know that. Cato, come with me and I'll take you to a nurse." Dr. Snider and Cato both leave the room so Clove and I sit in a awkward silence.

"Thank you," I say. "for taking me to the hospital. I probably would've bleed to death without you and Cato."

"No problem," Clove says. "No matter how much I hate you, I want to be the one who causes you pain."

"How kind of you," I say sarcastically. "Can someone please contact my mom and Gale?" Clove pulls out her phone and I assume texts them.

"They're on their way," Clove says. "So what do you think you're mom's gonna say about the blood types."

"I'm probably adopted, but I look just like my mom so I don't know," I say. I've got no idea what she's gonna say. After I get Cato's blood in me, my mom and Gale come into the room.

"Oh poor baby," my mom says coming over to me. "Are you alright? We'll sue these ass off that guy."

"No, mom. That's not necessary, but I do have a question for you," I say.

"What, sweetheart?" my mom asks.

"The doctor said that you and dad both have different blood types then me. How is that possible?" I question.

"It's sorta complicated, but I guess I have to tell you anyway. So before your father and I ever got together, Cato's father cheated on Cato's mother with me. Then I got pregnant with you and he left me. So Cato and you are half-siblings," she says. Everyone in the room sits there in shock.

"So Cato and I are related?" I ask. She nods. "I slept with my brother."

"My dad cheated on my mom," Cato says. "I'll be right back." Cato gets up and leaves goes into the hallway.

Cato POV:

I go out into the hallway and call my dad.

(On the phone)
Mr. H: Hello?
C: Dad
Mr. H: What?
C: You cheated on mom with Mrs. Mason?
Mr. H: What are you talking about?
C: Mrs. Mason just told all of us. How could you do that to her?
Mr. H: we were going through a rough patch. I found out she was pregnant with you and I wasn't sure if I could handle it or whatever, so I started talking to Mrs. Mason. One thing led to another and she ended up pregnant with Johanna. Ultimately, I chose your mother. Don't be mad.
C: Are you stupid? You got two women pregnant at the same time. Don't be mad? Of course I'm gonna be mad because you f**king screwed up your marriage! Does Mom know?
Mr. H: No, and I expect you not to say anything if you know what's good for you. Cali just got home. I'll call you later and we'll talk more later.
(Phone call over)

I text my mom, "when u c dad, ask him about his affair w/mrs. Mason. Not lying when I say this." I walk back into the hospital room to Johanna and her mom yelling at each other. Gale's trying to calm them both down and Clove's sitting awkwardly on the couch. I signal for her to get up. She lets them know we're leaving. We walk to the elevator and we both get in.

"Did you call your dad?" Clove asks, I don't respond. "What's going on in your head? I can tell your mad, but why are you mad? Who are you mad at? You can't just think about it and not say anything. You know you'll explode on someone and I'll have to clean it up."

"Shut up!" I yell. Clove stares at me surprised. "I don't want to talk right now. My parents are probably gonna get a divorce. I just want to be alone right now."

"You know when you say that you really want to be with someone," Clove says grabbing my hand. "Let's just go somewhere no one else will be."

Hey, guys! Sorry it took forever to update, but I just started school last week and I'm trying to get used to that. It's also like 11 o'clock and I have to go to church early in the morning, so go me! There's some drama in this chapter. How exciting! So yeah. I'm tired so imma go. Peace out Girl Scout!


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