Chapter 4

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 Peeta POV:

Katniss made an appointment for 10:00 this morning. I go to her dorm room to take her to the appointment. I knock on the door and she answers.

"You ready to go?" I ask. She nods. She shuts the door and we leave.

We get to the doctor's and she signs in. We wait in a silence until we're called back. We go into a room and wait for the doctor.

The doctor walks in and introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Dr. Everdeen and I will be working with you on your pregnancy." Oh shit. Katniss' mom is our doctor? How the hell could this happen? Ms. Everdeen realizes who we are. "Katniss? Are you pregnant?" She nods looking down. "And Peeta, you're the father?" I nod. "Oh my. Well I did not expect this to happen. Oh well; I'll just work like you're a regular patient.  How long ago did you conceive?"

"About 2 and a half months ago," Katniss says.

"Ok. So I'm going to put this on your abdomen. I'm warning you it's cold." Ms. Everdeen does as she said. "It appears you are about ten weeks along. It's too early to tell the gender, but right there is your baby." Katniss and I look at the screen. Ms. Everdeen wipes the stuff off of Katniss. You can schedule an appointment for two weeks from now and at about 20 weeks you can find out the gender. So I'll call you later Katniss. Goodbye." Katniss and I both leave and get in my car. We drive in silence until we get back to campus and I walk her to her dorm room.

"That was so embarrassing," Katniss says. "I didn't want to tell my mom yet, but now she knows. Peeta, please don't tell anyone. The only other person who knows is Annie."

"I won't," I say. She just sits there silently. I've known Katniss since we were five, so I know something is really bothering her. "What's the matter?"

"Everything. Why did this have to happen to us? We were always so careful. We're good kids and have bright futures planned out and now it's all ruined!" she says sounding really upset.

"It'll be ok, Katniss. We both wanted kids and now it's just coming earlier than we expected," I say. "You know I'll be there for you no matter what and I'm sure all of our friends and family will be there too. So there's no need to be upset, ok?" She nods. "Do you want me to stay here with you for a little bit?" She nods again. We both walk in her dorm room.

Clove POV:

I'm sitting in Marvel's dorm room bored out of my mind. "I'm so bored!" I exclaim.

"Same," he says. "Wanna go to the football game?"

"Why?" I ask.

"'Cause there's nothing else to do. Plus we get to show our school spirit!" Marvel says.

"Why not?" I say. We both get up and walk to the football stadium. We get seats and start watching the game. I can't help but watch for Cato. It's a force of habit. I wonder if his family is here. The team we're playing against has some of the biggest football players I've ever seen. They've taken out about three of our players. Eventually there is a play and Cato gets tackled. Oh dear God, he isn't getting up. I look at Marvel and he looks as shocked as me. He eventually gets up and limps off the field. He doesn't come back into the game. That's four players. Marvel looks down at his phone.

"Oh God. They're taking Cato to the hospital. Cali just texted me. I'm gonna go. Do you wanna come?" he says.

"Yeah, sure," I say. Why the hell do I wanna go see Cato?

"Ok, let's go," we both run down the stands and to his car. We drive to the hospital. "Damn it," Marvel says.

"What?" I ask.

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