Epilogue (Part 1)

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Finnick and Annie both graduated college together still happily together. They decided to get out of San Fransisco and move to Destin, Florida and buy a house right on the beach. Finnick decided to try modeling and he really enjoyed it through modeling, he found acting opportunities. He starred in a chain of movies that became as popular as Mission Impossible.

Annie wanted a more relaxed job. She always loved making crafts when she was little and tried to find a job that she could do that in. She ended up opening a little store on the boardwalk where she sells jewelry and other things like that.

When they were both 24 years old, Annie found out she was pregnant. Nine months later she had a baby boy named Finnick Jr., who goes by Finn. He was a spitting image of Finnick with the golden blonde hair, sea green eyes, and tanned skin. He loves living right by the ocean. During middle and high school he really comes out of his shell and joins the football and swim teams. He's not the brightest, but he's got a lot of heart. He turns out to be just like Finnick. Eventually he grows up to become professional surfer.

When Finnick and Annie are 26 years old, Annie gets pregnant with a baby girl they later named Andrea. She has reddish-brown hair and green eyes like Annie. She is a quiet girl who would rather be by herself and read or help her mom make jewelry. In high school, she finds a really good group of friends and comes out of her shell a little. Eventually, she grows up and takes over Annie's shop. She also becomes a well known author from writing a teen novel.

The Odair family also ends up adopting a Pomeranian and Andrea names it Sandy.

Finnick and Annie keep in touch with everyone through Christmas Cards and social media, but really only see Johanna and Gale. When they're both 38, they go back to a twenty year high school reunion and see all of their friends in person.

Finnick and Annie got the fairy tale ending they were looking for.


Katniss graduated from Panem college and then went onto law school to pursue a career of becoming a defense lawyer. She graduated from law school. She and Peeta decided to move to New York City. They settled down and Katniss opened her own law firm in New York that she shares with some fellow lawyers she's met along the way. She became one of the most well known lawyers in all of New York. She and Peeta moved into a pent house of an apartment building.

Peeta went to culinary school once Willow started kindergarten. He eventually opened his own restaurant that is the most popular restaurant in New York City.

After Peeta opened his restaurant--which was when he and Katniss were 29, Katniss found out she was pregnant again with a baby boy. He had blonde hair and gray eyes. He was just like Katniss. Shy, stubborn, and caring. Like Katniss, he started to be more open as he grew up. He took after Katniss' passion of hunting and Prim's interest in medicine. He grew up to become a doctor who hunts in his free time.  

Willow took more after her father. She was sweet, caring, outgoing, well-spoken, and charming. In elementary school, she found that she was very good at volleyball. She played that all throughout school and even went to college on a volleyball scholarship. In her free time, she loved to cook and bake. She would help Peeta make dinner and would help out at the restaurant all the time. She eventually worked with Peeta's at the restaurant and took over when he retired. She also coached volleyball at her high school.

The Mellarks adopted three cats naming them Cisco because they grew up in San Francisco, Hunter, and Misty May.

They try to keep in touch with people at first, but no one really makes an effort back. They just keep in touch over social media and occasional emails with Clato and Fannie. They both also attended the high school reunion.

Katniss and Peeta's life didn't start out as planned, but ended up better than imagined.

Hey. guys! Sorry this took so long, but I've just been really busy with school. I promise the next and final chapter will be coming very soon. I tried adding pictures, but it's only letting me add one, so I'm just gonna give up. So yeah. If you really want pictures of their kids I'll keep trying, but know promises. So that's the end of Fannie and Everlark pretty much. I'm watching Jurassic World right now for the second time and it's really good. Chris Pratt is a very attractive man. So imma go. Peace out Girl Scout!



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